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Там же.
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Greaves, ‘Sistan in British Indian Frontier Policy’, рр. 90–102.
British Interests in Persia, 22 January 1902, Hansard, 101, рр. 574–628; Earl of Ronaldshay, House of Commons, 17 February 1908, Hansard, 184, рр. 500–501.
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S. Gwynn, The Letters and Friendships of Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, 2 vols (Boston, 1929), 2, р. 85; M. Habibi, ‘France and the Anglo-Russian Accords: The Discreet Missing Link’, Iran 41 (2003), р. 292.
Report of a Committee Appointed to Consider the Military Defence of India, 24 December 1901, CAB 6/1; K. Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar: British Policy and Russia, 1894–1917 (Oxford, 1995), р. 124.
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