Книга: Best Arduino Automation Project: Arduino Project Ideas for Automated System
Назад: 2. Electronics
Дальше: 4. Preparing Your Blynk App

The motorized lid wasn't included in either of our construct films, so we posted some supplemental instructions on a way to upload it.

Our cooler lid had a couple notches that kept the lid snapped close while it closed. Our servo wasn't robust sufficient to lift the lid while it become snapped shut, so we used a small Dremel device to sand down the notches.

We used a MG996R excessive torque servo electricity the lid. We 3D revealed a hinged arm to attach the servo horn to the pinnacle of the cooler. as a way to hold it in region, we used some gorilla glue. The servo become set up at the aspect of the cooler with a piece of 3M double sided out of doors mounting tape.

A hole became drilled at the back of the cooler to feed the servo wires thru. We used a couple of extension wires to connect it to energy, floor, and the sign wire pin three at the Arduino.


Назад: 2. Electronics
Дальше: 4. Preparing Your Blynk App