Книга: Управление отделом продаж
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Jeffrey K. Sager. Recruiting and Retaining Committed Salespeople. Industrial Marketing Management (май 1991). С. 99–103.


Heide. Dartnell’s 30th Sales Force Compensation Survey, с. 143.


Тот же источник.


Stan Moss. What Sales Executives Look for in New Salespeople, Sales & Marketing Management (март 1978). С. 43–48; Thomas Rollins, How to Tell Competent Salespeople from the Other Kind. Sales & Marketing Management (сентябрь 1990). С. 116–117, 145–146; Michael K. Rich and Daniel C. Smith. Determining Relationship Skills of Prospective Salespeople. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 15 (2000). С. 242.
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