Книга: Управление отделом продаж
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Например см. Thomas N. Ingram and Danny N. Bellenger. Personal and Organizational Variables: Their Relative Effect on Reward Valences of Industrial Salespeople, Journal of Marketing Research (май 1983). С. 198–205; Lawrence B. Chonko, John F. Tanner, Jr., and William A. Weeks. Reward Preferences of Salespeople. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (лето 1992). С. 67–76; Thomas E. DeCarlo, R. Kenneth Teas, and James C. McElroy. Salesperson Performance Attribution and Processes and Formation of Expectancy Estimates. Journal of Personal Selling &Sales Management (лето 1997). С.1–17; Alexander D. Stajkovic and Fred Luthans. Differential Effects of Incentive Motivators on Work Experience. Academy of Management Journal 4, № 3 (2001). С. 580–590. Интересное межкультурное сравнение ценности вознаграждения, ожиданий и взаимопомощи среди сбытового персонала в Соединенных Штатах, Корее и Японии см. Alan J. Dubinsky, Masaaki Kotabe, Chae Un Lim, and Ronald E. Michaels. Differences in Motivational Perceptions among U.S., Japanese, and Korean Sales Personnel. Journal of Business Research 30 (1994). С. 175–185; Jennifer Gilbert, What Motivates Me. Sales & Marketing Management 155 (февраль 2003). С. 30–35.
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