Книга: Как думают великие компании: три правила
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Yingjiao Xu. Impact of Store Environment on Adult Generation Y Consumers’ Impulse Buying // Journal of Shopping Center Research, 14 (1) 2007.


Ellen Schlossberg. William Blair & Company, July 28, 1999.


Stacy С. Pak and Bret Cicinelli. Abercrombie & Fitch. Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation, January 13, 1999.


Xu, Impact of Store Environment.


Ellen Schlossberg. William Blair & Company, July 28, 1999.


Этот феномен хорошо задокументирован. См., например, Kathleen Rees and Jan Hathcote. The U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry in the Age of Globalization // Global Economy Journal 4 (1), 2004; Gary Gereffi and Olga Memedovic. The Global Apparel Value Chain: What Prospects for Upgrading by Developing Countries? Vienna: United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 2003; Frederick Abernathy. The Future of the Apparel and Textile Industries: Prospects and choices for public and private actors // Harvard Center for Textile and Apparel Research, December 2005.
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