Книга: Драйв: Что на самом деле нас мотивирует
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«Evaluating Your Business Ethics: A Harvard professor explains why good people do unethical things,» Gallup Management Journal (12 June 2008).


Elizabeth W. Dunn, Lara B. Ankin & Michael I. Norton, «Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness,» Science. Vol. 21 (March 2008).


Drake Bennett, «Happiness: A buyer’s guide,» Boston Globe (23 August 2009).


Tait Shanafelt, et al, «Career fit and burnout among academic faculty,» Archives of Internal Medicine (May 2009).


Christopher P. Niemiec, Richard M. Ryan, & Edward L. Deci, «The path taken: Consequences of attaining intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations,» Journal of Research in Personality. Vol. 43 (2009).
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