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Глава 7. Секс в обмен на пищу и другие гримасы эволюции

1 Segraves R. T. et al. Bupropion Sustained Release for the Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Premenopausal Women // Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. June 2004. Vol. 24. No. 3. Р. 339–342.

2 Goldstat R. et al. Transdermal Testosterone Therapy Improves Well-Being, Mood, and Sexual Function in Premenopausal Women // Menopaus. September 2003. Vol. 10. No. 5.

Р. 390–398.

3 Basson R. et al. Efficacy and Safety of Sildenafil Citrate in Women with Sexual Dysfunction Associated with Female Sexual Arousal Disorder // Journal of Women’s Health & Gender-Based Medicine. May 2002. Vol. 11. No. 4. P. 367–377.

4 Walter A. et al. Superfetation in man // Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol. 15. P. 240–246.

5 Hayase Y., Liaw K. L. Factors on Polygamy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Findings Based on the Demographic and Health Surveys // The Developing Economies. September 1997. Vol. 35. No. 3. Р. 293–327.

6 Levine N. E. and Silk J. B. Why Polyandry Fails: Sources of Instability in Polyandrous Marriages // Current Anthropology.September 1997. Vol. 38. No. 3. Р. 375–398.

7 Lovejoy O. Reexamining Human Origins in Light of Ardipithecus ramidus // Science. 2 October 2009. Vol. 326. No. 5949. Р. 74, 74e1–74e8.

8 Dixson A. F. Observations on the Evolution of the Genitalia and Copulatory Behaviour in Male Primates // Journal of Zoology. November 1987. Vol. 213. No. 3. Р. 423–443.

9 Dixson A. F., Matthew J. Anderson M. J. Sexual Behavior, Reproductive Physiology and Sperm Competition in Male Mammals // Physiology & Behavior. 2004. Vol. 83. P. 361–371.

10 Gallup G. G. et al. The Human Penis as a Semen Displacement Device // Evolution and Human Behavior. July 2003. Vo l. 24. No. 4. P. 277–289.

11 Бурлак С. Происхождение языка. Факты, исследования, гипотезы. – М.: Астрель: Corpus, 2011. – 464 с.

12 Brody S. Body Mass Index But Not Pulse Pressure Is Associated with Lesser Penile – Vaginal Intercourse Frequency in Healthy Young Men // The Journal of Sexual Medicine. May 2010. Vol. 7. No. 5. Р. 1853–1857.

13 Brody S. Alexithymia Is Inversely Associated with Women’s Frequency of Vaginal Intercourse // Archives of Sexual Behavior. February 2003. Vol. 32. No. 1. Р. 73–77.

14 Aurelie Nicholas M. A. et al. A Woman’s History of Vaginal Orgasm is Discernible from Her Walk // The Journal of Sexual Medicine. September 2008. Vol. 5. No. 9. P. 2119–2124.

15 Brody S. Age at First Intercourse Is Inversely Related to Female Cortisol Stress Reactivity // Psychoneuroendocrinology. November 2002. Vol. 27. No. 8. P. 933–943.

16 Brody B. et al. Women Who Prefer Longer Penises Are More Likely to Have Vaginal Orgasms (but Not Clitoral Orgasms): Implications for an Evolutionary Theory of Vaginal Orgasm // The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012. Vol. 9. P. 3079–3088.

17 Brody S. The Relative Health Benefits of Different Sexual Activities // The Journal of Sexual Medicine. April 2010. Vol. 7. No. 4. Part 1. P. 1336–1361.

18 Alexander R. B., Trissel D. Chronic Prostatitis: Results of an Internet Survey // Urology. October 1996. Vol. 48. No. 4. P. 568–574.

19 Bradshaw C. S. et al. Etiologies of Nongonococcal Urethritis: Bacteria, Viruses, and the Association with Orogenital Exposure // The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2006. Vol. 193. No. 3. P. 336–345.

Глава 8. “Химия любви” – о каких веществах идет речь?

1 Schiestl F. P. et al. The Chemistry of Sexual Deception in an Orchid-Wasp Pollination System // Science. 17 October 2003. Vol. 302. No. 5644. Р. 437–438.

2 Wong B. B. M. and Schiestl F. P. How an Orchid Harms Its Pollinator // Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 7 August 2002. Vol. 269. No. 1500. P. 1529–1532.

3 Keverne E. B. The Vomeronasal Organ // Science. 22 October 1999. Vol. 286. No. 5440. Р. 71–720.

4 Schwenk K. Why Snakes Have Forked Tongues // Science. 18 March 1994. Vol. 263. No. 5153. P. 1573–1577.

5 Monti-Bloch L. et al. The Human Vomeronasal System: A Review // Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. November 1998. Vol. 855. Olfaction and Taste Xii: An International Symposium. Р. 373–389.

6 Mast T. G., Samuelsen C. L. Human Pheromone Detection by the Vomeronasal Organ: Unnecessary for Mate Selection? // Chemical Senses. 2009. Vol. 34. No. 6. P. 529–531.

7 Knecht M.et al. Frequency and Localization of the Putative Vomeronasal Organ in Humans in Relation to Age and Gender / / The Laryngoscope. March 2001. Vol. 111. No. 3. Р. 448–452.

8 McClintock M. K. Menstrual Synchrony and Suppression // Nature. 22 January 1971. Vol. 229. P. 244–245.

9 Stern K., McClintock M. K. Regulation of Ovulation by Human Pheromones // Nature. 12 March 1998. Vol. 392. P. 177–179.

10 Veith J. L. et al. Exposure to Men Influences the Occurrence of Ovulation in Women // Physiology & Behavior. September 1983. Vol. 31. No. 3. P. 313–315.

11 Cutler W. B. et al. Human Axillary Secretions Influence Women’S Menstrual Cycles: The Role of Donor Extract from Men / / Hormones and Behavior. December 1986. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. 463–473.

12 Kirk-Smith M. D., Booth D. A. Effects of Androstenone on Choice of Location in Other’s Presence // Olfaction and taste. 1980. Vol. 7. P. 397–400.

13 Pause B. M. Are Androgen Steroids Acting as Pheromones in Humans? // Physiology & Behavior. 30 October 2004. Vol. 83. No. 1. P. 21–29.

14 На сайте Пятого канала, к сожалению, страницу программы “Прогресс” не сохранили. Большая часть выпусков в Интернете есть, но их приходится специально искать. Сюжет про феромоны на момент написания книжки был доступен по ссылке

15 Filsinger E. E. et al. An Examination of the Effects of Putative Pheromones on Human Judgments // Ethology and Sociobiology. 1985. Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 227–236.

16 Benton D., Wastell V. Effects of Androstenol on Human Sexual Arousal // Biological Psychology. April 1986. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 141–147.

17 Michael R. P. et al. Behavioral Effects of a Synthetic Mixture of Aliphatic Acids in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) // Hormones and Behavior. December 1977. Vol. 9. № 3. P. 296–308.

18 Michael R. P. et al. Volatile Fatty Acids, “Copulins”, in Human Vaginal Secretions // Psychoneuroendocrinology. 1975. Vo l. 1. No. 2. P. 153–163.

19 Steinbach X. et al. Human Pheromones: Do “Copulins” Have an Effect on Men’s Testosterone Levels and Social Behavior? (SFA) // ISHE Conferences, XXI Biennial International Conference on Human Ethology. Vienna, Austria.

20 Grammer K. et al. Human Pheromones and Sexual Attraction // European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 1 February 2005. Vol. 118. No. 2. P. 135–142.

21 Cutler W. B. et al. Pheromonal Influences on Sociosexual Behavior in Men // Archives of Sexual Behavior. 1998. Vol. 27. No. 1.

22 McCoy N. L., Pitino L. Pheromonal Influences on Sociosexual Behavior in Young Women // Physiology & Behavior. 2002. Vol. 75. P. 367–375.

23 Thomas L. et al. Control of Mating Preferences in Mice by Genes in the Major Histocompatibility Complex // The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 1 November 1976. Vol. 144. No. 5. P. 13 2 4 –1335.

24 Tregenza T., Wedell N. Genetic Compatibility, Mate Choice and Patterns of Parentage: Invited Review // Molecular Ecology. August 2000. Vol. 9. No. 8. Р. 1013–1027.

25 Bernatchez L., Landry C. MHC Studies in Nonmodel Vertebrates: What Have We Learned about Natural Selection in 15 Ye a r s? // Journal of Evolutionary Biology. May 2003. Vol. 16. No. 3. Р. 363–377.

26 Pamer E., Cresswell P. Mechanisms of MHC Class I-Restricted Antigen Processing // Annual Review of Immunology. April 1998. Vol. 16. Р. 323–358.

27 – база данных по иммунным полиморфизмам.

28 Трансплантация костного мозга. Применение при лечении онкологических и других заболеваний. Брошюра благотворительного фонда “Подари жизнь”, Москва, 2010.

29 – пост Лены Грачевой о найденных совпадениях в петербургском регистре доноров костного мозга.

30 – инструкции для тех, кто хочет попасть в регистр потенциальных доноров костного мозга.

31 Sommer S. The Importance of Immune Gene Variability (MHC) in Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation // Frontiers in Zoology. 2005. 2:16.

32 Wedekind C. et al. MHC-Dependent Mate Preferences in Humans // Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 1995. Vol. 260. P. 245–249.

33 Ober C. et al. HLA and Mate Choice in Humans // The American Journal of Human Genetics. September 1997. Vol. 61. No. 3. P. 497–504.

34 Hedrick P. W., Black F. L. HLA and Mate Selection: No Evidence in South Amerindians // The American Journal of Human Genetics. September 1997. Vol. 61. No. 3. P. 505–511.

35 Chaix R. et al. Is Mate Choice in Humans MHC – Dependent? // PLoS Genetics. 2008. 4 (9): e1000184.

36 Jacob S. et al. Paternally Inherited HLA Alleles Are Associated with Women’S Choice of Male Odor // Nature Genetics. February 2002. Vol. 30. No. 2. P. 175–179.

37 Creus M. et al. Parental Human Leukocyte Antigens and Implantation Failure After In-Vitro Fertilization // Human Reproduction. 1998. Vol. 13. No. 1. Р. 39–43.

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