Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
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Дальше: Breakpoints

lists the most popular methods.

, stepping refers to the concept of executing a single instruction, and then immediately pausing execution afterward, allowing you to keep track of the program instruction by instruction.

OllyDbg offers the two types of stepping described in the previous chapter: single-stepping (also known as stepping-into) and stepping-over. To single-step, press the F7 key. To step-over, press F8.

As we noted, single-stepping is the easiest form of stepping and means that OllyDbg will execute a single instruction and then pause, no matter which type of instruction you are executing. For example, if you single-step the instruction call 01007568, OllyDbg will pause at the address 01007568 (because the call instruction transferred EIP to that address).

Conceptually, stepping-over is almost as simple as single-stepping. Consider the following listing of instructions:

010073a4     call 01007568 010073a9     xor ebx, ebx

If you step-over the call instruction, OllyDbg will immediately pause execution at 010073a9 (the xor ebx, ebx instruction after the call). This is useful because you may not want to dive into the subroutine located at 01007568.

Although stepping-over is conceptually simple, under the hood, it is much more complicated. OllyDbg places a breakpoint at 010073a9, resumes execution (as if you had hit the Run button), and then when the subroutine eventually executes a ret instruction, it will pause at 010073a9 due to the hidden breakpoint.


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