Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Kernel vs. User-Mode Debugging
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shows how you might use a debugger to help understand a section of code.

, you see the 13 bytes modified by this function changing each time through the loop. (This listing shows the bytes at those addresses along with their ASCII representation.)

demonstrates where a breakpoint would be useful. In this example, there is a call to EAX. While a disassembler couldn’t tell you which function is being called, you could set a breakpoint on that instruction to find out. When the program hits the breakpoint, it will be stopped, and the debugger will show you the value of EAX, which is the destination of the function being called.

shows the beginning of a function with a call to CreateFile to open a handle to a file. In the assembly, it is difficult to determine the name of the file, although part of the name is passed in as a parameter to the function. To find the file in disassembly, you could use IDA Pro to search for all the times that this function is called in order to see which arguments are passed, but those values could in turn be passed in as parameters or derived from other function calls. It could very quickly become difficult to determine the filename. Using a debugger makes this task very easy.

shows a screenshot of the same instruction at a breakpoint within the WinDbg debugger. After the breakpoint, we display the first parameter to the function as an ASCII string using WinDbg. (You’ll learn how to do this in , which covers WinDbg.)


shows a debug window from OllyDbg that displays the buffer in memory prior to being sent to the encryption routine. The top window shows the instruction with the breakpoint, and the bottom window displays the message. In this case, the data being sent is Secret Message, as shown in the ASCII column at the bottom right.

shows a memory dump and disassembly of a function with a breakpoint set, side by side.

The function starts with push ebp at , which corresponds to the opcode 0x55, but the function in the memory dump starts with the bytes 0xCC at , which represents the breakpoint.

In the disassembly window, the debugger shows the original instruction, but in a memory dump produced by a program other than the debugger, it shows actual bytes stored at that location. The debugger’s memory dump will show the original 0x55 byte, but if a program is reading its own code or an external program is reading those bytes, the 0xCC value will be shown.

If these bytes change during the execution of the program, the breakpoint will not occur. For example, if you set a breakpoint on a section of code, and that code is self-modifying or modified by another section of code, your breakpoint will be erased. If any other code is reading the memory of the function with a breakpoint, it will read the 0xCC bytes instead of the original byte. Also, any code that verifies the integrity of that function will notice the discrepancy.

You can set an unlimited number of software breakpoints in user mode, although there may be limits in kernel mode. The code change is small and requires only a small amount of memory for recordkeeping in the debugger.

The x86 architecture supports hardware execution breakpoints through dedicated hardware registers. Every time the processor executes an instruction, there is hardware to detect if the instruction pointer is equal to the breakpoint address. Unlike software breakpoints, with hardware breakpoints, it doesn’t matter which bytes are stored at that location. For example, if you set a breakpoint at address 0x00401234, the processor will break at that location, regardless of what is stored there. This can be a significant benefit when debugging code that modifies itself.

Hardware breakpoints have another advantage over software breakpoints in that they can be set to break on access rather than on execution. For example, you can set a hardware breakpoint to break whenever a certain memory location is read or written. If you’re trying to determine what the value stored at a memory location signifies, you could set a hardware breakpoint on the memory location. Then, when there is a write to that location, the debugger will break, regardless of the address of the instruction being executed. (You can set access breakpoints to trigger on reads, writes, or both.)

Unfortunately, hardware execution breakpoints have one major drawback: only four hardware registers store breakpoint addresses.

One further drawback of hardware breakpoints is that they are easy to modify by the running program. There are eight debug registers in the chipset, but only six are used. The first four, DR0 through DR3, store the address of a breakpoint. The debug control register (DR7) stores information on whether the values in DR0 through DR3 are enabled and whether they represent read, write, or execution breakpoints. Malicious programs can modify these registers, often to interfere with debuggers. Thankfully, x86 chips have a feature to protect against this. By setting the General Detect flag in the DR7 register, you will trigger a breakpoint to occur prior to executing any mov instruction that is accessing a debug register. This will allow you to detect when a debug register is changed. Although this method is not perfect (it detects only mov instructions that access the debug registers), it’s valuable nonetheless.


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