Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Disassembling Arithmetic Operations
Дальше: Recognizing Loops

displays a simple if statement in C with the assembly for this code shown in . Notice the conditional jump jnz at . There must be a conditional jump for an if statement, but not all conditional jumps correspond to if statements.

00401006        mov     [ebp+var_8], 1 0040100D        mov     [ebp+var_4], 2 00401014        mov     eax, [ebp+var_8] 00401017        cmp     eax, [ebp+var_4]  0040101A        jnz     short loc_40102B  0040101C        push    offset aXEqualsY_ ; "x equals y.\n" 00401021        call    printf 00401026        add     esp, 4 00401029        jmp     short loc_401038  0040102B loc_40102B: 0040102B        push    offset aXIsNotEqualToY ; "x is not equal to y.\n" 00401030        call    printf

, a decision must be made before the code inside the if statement in will execute. This decision corresponds to the conditional jump (jnz) shown at . The decision to jump is made based on the comparison (cmp), which checks to see if var_4 equals var_8 (var_4 and var_8 correspond to x and y in our source code) at . If the values are not equal, the jump occurs, and the code prints "x is not equal to y."; otherwise, the code continues the path of execution and prints "x equals y."

Notice also the jump (jmp) that jumps over the else section of the code at . It is important that you recognize that only one of these two code paths can be taken.

. This feature is the default view for analyzing functions.

shows a graph of the assembly code example in . As you can see, two different paths ( and ) of code execution lead to the end of the function, and each path prints a different string. Code path will print "x equals y.", and will print "x is not equal to y."

IDA Pro adds false and true labels at the decision points at the bottom of the upper code box. As you can imagine, graphing a function can greatly speed up the reverse-engineering process.

shows C code for a nested if statement that is similar to , except that two additional if statements have been added within the original if statement. These additional statements test to determine whether z is equal to 0.

Despite this minor change to the C code, the assembly code is more complicated, as shown in .

00401006        mov     [ebp+var_8], 0 0040100D        mov     [ebp+var_4], 1 00401014        mov     [ebp+var_C], 2 0040101B        mov     eax, [ebp+var_8] 0040101E        cmp     eax, [ebp+var_4] 00401021        jnz     short loc_401047  00401023        cmp     [ebp+var_C], 0 00401027        jnz     short loc_401038  00401029        push    offset aZIsZeroAndXY_ ; "z is zero and x = y.\n" 0040102E        call    printf 00401033        add     esp, 4 00401036        jmp     short loc_401045 00401038 loc_401038: 00401038        push    offset aZIsNonZeroAndX ; "z is non-zero and x = y.\n" 0040103D        call    printf 00401042        add     esp, 4 00401045 loc_401045: 00401045        jmp     short loc_401069 00401047 loc_401047: 00401047        cmp     [ebp+var_C], 0 0040104B        jnz     short loc_40105C  0040104D        push    offset aZZeroAndXY_ ; "z zero and x != y.\n" 00401052        call    printf 00401057        add     esp, 4 0040105A        jmp     short loc_401069 0040105C loc_40105C: 0040105C        push    offset aZNonZeroAndXY_ ; "z non-zero and x != y.\n" 00401061        call    printf00401061

As you can see, three different conditional jumps occur. The first occurs if var_4 does not equal var_8 at . The other two occur if var_C is not equal to zero at and .


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