Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: 6. Recognizing C Code Constructs in Assembly
Дальше: Disassembling Arithmetic Operations

, defines x and y variables outside the function. In the local example, , the variables are defined within the function.

and , is quite different. The global variables are referenced by memory addresses, and the local variables are referenced by the stack addresses.

In , the global variable x is signified by dword_40CF60, a memory location at 0x40CF60. Notice that x is changed in memory when eax is moved into dword_40CF60 at . All subsequent functions that utilize this variable will be impacted.

00401003        mov     eax, dword_40CF60 00401008        add     eax, dword_40C000 0040100E        mov     dword_40CF60, eax  00401013        mov     ecx, dword_40CF60 00401019        push    ecx 0040101A        push    offset aTotalD  ;"total = %d\n" 0040101F        call    printf

In and , the local variable x is located on the stack at a constant offset relative to ebp. In , memory location [ebp-4] is used consistently throughout this function to reference the local variable x. This tells us that ebp-4 is a stack-based local variable that is referenced only in the function in which it is defined.

, without labeling

00401006        mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], 1 0040100D        mov     dword ptr [ebp-8], 2 00401014        mov     eax, [ebp-4] 00401017        add     eax, [ebp-8] 0040101A        mov     [ebp-4], eax 0040101D        mov     ecx, [ebp-4] 00401020        push    ecx 00401021        push    offset aTotalD  ; "total = %d\n" 00401026        call    printf

In , x has been nicely labeled by IDA Pro Disassembler with the dummy name var_4. As we discussed in , dummy names can be renamed to meaningful names that reflect their function. Having this local variable named var_4 instead of -4 simplifies your analysis, because once you rename var_4 to x, you won’t need to track the offset -4 in your head throughout the function.

, with labeling

00401006        mov     [ebp+var_4], 1 0040100D        mov     [ebp+var_8], 2 00401014        mov     eax, [ebp+var_4] 00401017        add     eax, [ebp+var_8] 0040101A        mov     [ebp+var_4], eax 0040101D        mov     ecx, [ebp+var_4] 00401020        push    ecx 00401021        push    offset aTotalD  ; "total = %d\n" 00401026        call    printf


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