Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
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shows an example of how we might rename local variables and arguments. The left column contains an assembly listing with no arguments renamed, and the right column shows the listing with the arguments renamed. We can actually glean some information from the column on the right. Here, we have renamed arg_4 to port_str and var_598 to port. You can see that these renamed elements are much more meaningful than their dummy names.

shows an example of modifying operands in an instruction, where 62h is compared to the local variable var_4. If you were to right-click 62h, you would be presented with options to change the 62h into 98 in decimal, 142o in octal, 1100010b in binary, or the character b in ASCII—whatever suits your needs and your situation.

) on an operand in your disassembly. shows the window that appears when you select Use Standard Symbolic Constant on the value 0x800000000.

show the effect of applying the standard symbolic constants for a Windows API call to CreateFileA. Note how much more meaningful the code is on the right.

, when we discuss Windows concepts.

Sometimes a particular standard symbolic constant that you want will not appear, and you will need to load the relevant type library manually. To do so, select View ▶ Open Subviews ▶ Type Libraries to view the currently loaded libraries. Normally, mssdk and vc6win will automatically be loaded, but if not, you can load them manually (as is often necessary with malware that uses the Native API, the Windows NT family API). To get the symbolic constants for the Native API, load ntapi (the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Native API). In the same vein, when analyzing a Linux binary, you may need to manually load the gnuunx (GNU C++ UNIX) libraries.

shows a malicious PDF document named paycuts.pdf. At offset 0x8387 into the file, we discover shellcode (defined as raw bytes) at , so we press C at that location. This disassembles the shellcode and allows us to discover that it contains an XOR decoding loop with 0x97 at .

Depending on your goals, you can similarly define raw bytes as data or ASCII strings by pressing D or A, respectively.


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