Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
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shows an example of a function that has been recognized by IDA Pro.

that local variables will be at a negative offset relative to EBP and arguments will be at a positive offset. You can see at that IDA Pro has supplied the start of the summary of the stack view. The first line of this summary tells us that var_C corresponds to the value -0xCh. This is IDA Pro’s way of telling us that it has substituted var_C for -0xC at ; it has abstracted an instruction. For example, instead of needing to read the instruction as mov [ebp-0Ch], 3, we can simply read it as “var_C is now set to 3” and continue with our analysis. This abstraction makes reading the disassembly more efficient.

Sometimes IDA Pro will fail to identify a function. If this happens, you can create a function by pressing P. It may also fail to identify EBP-based stack frames, and the instructions mov [ebp-0Ch], eax and push dword ptr [ebp-010h] might appear instead of the convenient labeling. In most cases, you can fix this by pressing ALT-P, selecting BP Based Frame, and specifying 4 bytes for Saved Registers.


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