Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
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. You can create a fake network and quickly obtain network indicators, without actually connecting to the Internet. These indicators can include DNS names, IP addresses, and packet signatures.

To fake a network successfully, you must prevent the malware from realizing that it is executing in a virtualized environment. (See for a discussion on setting up virtual networks with VMware.) By combining the tools discussed here with a solid virtual machine network setup, you will greatly increase your chances of success.

), is the quickest way to see DNS requests made by malware. ApateDNS spoofs DNS responses to a user-specified IP address by listening on UDP port 53 on the local machine. It responds to DNS requests with the DNS response set to an IP address you specify. ApateDNS can display the hexadecimal and ASCII results of all requests it receives.

, we redirect the DNS requests made by malware known as RShell. We see that the DNS information is requested for evil.malwar3.com and that request was made at 13:22:08 .


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