Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Record/Replay: Running Your Computer in Reverse
Дальше: 3. Basic Dynamic Analysis

Running and analyzing malware using VMware and virtual machines involves the following steps:

As new malware analysis tools are released and existing tools are updated, you will need to update your clean base image. Simply install the tools and updates, and then take a new, clean snapshot.

To analyze malware, you usually need to run the malware to observe its behavior. When running malware, you must be careful not to infect your computer or networks. VMware allows you to run malware in a safe, controllable environment, and it provides the tools you need to clean the malware when you have finished analyzing it.

Throughout this book, when we discuss running malware, we assume that you are running the malware within a virtual machine.

Назад: Record/Replay: Running Your Computer in Reverse
Дальше: 3. Basic Dynamic Analysis
