Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 19-2 Solutions
Дальше: Lab 20-1 Solutions

for recommended malicious PDF parsers.)

shows object 9 0 from this PDF. This object contains JavaScript that will be executed when the document is opened.

at using the unescape function with a long text string. The unescape function works by translating each % character as follows:

  • If the % is followed by a u, it takes the next four characters, treats them as ASCII hex, and translates this into 2 bytes. The output order will be byte-swapped due to its endianness.

  • If the % is not followed by a u, it takes the next two characters, treats them as ASCII hex, and translates this into 1 byte.

to manually unescape the shellcode payload and turn it into a binary file suitable for further analysis, or you can use the file Lab19-03_sc.bin, which contains the decoded contents provided with the labs.

uses the call/pop technique to obtain a pointer to the global data starting at .

uses the same findKernel32Base and findSymbolByHash functions defined in and in . As in , the shellcode loops over the symbol hashes, resolves them, and stores them back to create a function pointer array. This is done 14 times for kernel32 at . The shellcode then creates the string shell32 on the stack by pushing two DWORD values at to use as an argument to LoadLibraryA. A single export from shell32.dll is resolved and added to the function pointer array at .

then calls the GetFileSize function in a loop. Given an open handle, this function returns the file size the handle corresponds to. It initializes the handle value to 0 at and adds 4 to it on each iteration at . The result is compared against the value stored at offset 0x3c in the shellcode’s embedded data. This value is 0xC602, and it is the exact size of the malicious PDF. This is how the shellcode will find the existing open handle to the PDF document that Adobe Reader had opened prior to the exploit launching. (It is common to store encoded data in malicious media files because media files can be fairly large without raising suspicions.) The malware requires an open handle to the malicious media file to work as expected, which is why the –r flag to shellcode_launcher.exe must be provided for this sample to perform any work.

allocates a buffer of memory at based on the value stored at offset 0x44 in the embedded data. This stored value is the file size for the first file accessed in the malicious PDF.

constructs an output file path, calls GetTempPathA at , and then appends the string foo.exe.

will use an XOR mask of 0x4a and write the file to %TEMP%\foo.exe. This filename is passed to the call to CreateProcessA at , creating a new process from the file just written to disk.

for a second file stored encoded within the malicious PDF. It allocates space according to the file size stored at offset 0x4c within the embedded data at , and adjusts the file pointer location using the file offset stored at offset 0x48 at .

uses the same temporary file path as in the first file, but replaces the filename with bar.pdf at . The call to writeBufferToDisk at decodes the file contents using the mask value 0x4a, and writes it to %TEMP%\bar.pdf.


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