Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
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shows an abridged list of functions imported by PotentialKeylogger.exe, as collected using Dependency Walker. Because we see so many imports, we can immediately conclude that this file is not packed.

lists many of the functions of greatest interest to malware analysts. If a function is not listed in , search for it on MSDN online.

As a new analyst, you will spend time looking up many functions that aren’t very interesting, but you’ll quickly start to learn which functions could be important and which ones are not. For the purposes of this example, we will show you a large number of imports that are uninteresting, so you can tell us that this software can open and manipulate processes (such as OpenProcess, GetCurrentProcess, and GetProcessHeap) and files (such as ReadFile, CreateFile, and WriteFile). The functions FindFirstFile and FindNextFile are particularly interesting ones that we can use to search through directories.

The imports from User32.dll are even more interesting. The large number of GUI manipulation functions (such as RegisterClassEx, SetWindowText, and ShowWindow) indicates a high likelihood that this program has a GUI (though the GUI is not necessarily displayed to the user).

The function SetWindowsHookEx is commonly used in spyware and is the most popular way that keyloggers receive keyboard inputs. This function has some legitimate uses, but if you suspect malware and you see this function, you are probably looking at keylogging functionality.

The function RegisterHotKey is also interesting. It registers a hotkey (such as CTRL-SHIFT-P) so that whenever the user presses that hotkey combination, the application is notified. No matter which application is currently active, a hotkey will bring the user to this application.

The imports from GDI32.dll are graphics-related and simply confirm that the program probably has a GUI. The imports from Shell32.dll tell us that this program can launch other programs—a feature common to both malware and legitimate programs.

The imports from Advapi32.dll tell us that this program uses the registry, which in turn tells us that we should search for strings that look like registry keys. Registry strings look a lot like directories. In this case, we found the string Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, which is a registry key (commonly used by malware) that controls which programs are automatically run when Windows starts up.

This executable also has several exports: LowLevelKeyboardProc and Low-LevelMouseProc. Microsoft’s documentation says, “The LowLevelKeyboardProc hook procedure is an application-defined or library-defined callback function used with the SetWindowsHookEx function.” In other words, this function is used with SetWindowsHookEx to specify which function will be called when a specified event occurs—in this case, the low-level keyboard event. The documentation for SetWindowsHookEx further explains that this function will be called when certain low-level keyboard events occur.

The Microsoft documentation uses the name LowLevelKeyboardProc, and the programmer in this case did as well. We were able to get valuable information because the programmer didn’t obscure the name of an export.

Using the information gleaned from a static analysis of these imports and exports, we can draw some significant conclusions or formulate some hypotheses about this malware. For one, it seems likely that this is a local keylogger that uses SetWindowsHookEx to record keystrokes. We can also shows a complete list of the functions imported by a second piece of unknown malware. The brevity of this list tells us that this program is packed or obfuscated, which is further confirmed by the fact that this program has no readable strings. A Windows compiler would not create a program that imports such a small number of functions; even a Hello, World program would have more.

) or unpacking (covered in ).


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