Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 18-1 Solutions
Дальше: Lab 18-3 Solutions



look like the start of a function, further convincing us that we have found the OEP. Scrolling down a little, we also see the string www.practicalmalwareanalysis.com, which is further evidence that this is part of the original program and not the unpacking stub.

Next, we dump the process to a disk using Plugins ▸ OllyDump ▸ Dump Debugged Process. Leave all of the default options, click Dump, and select a filename for the dumped process.

Now, we’re finished. We can view the program’s imports and strings, and easily analyze it with IDA Pro. A quick analysis reveals that this is the same code as Lab07-02.exe.

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