Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 11-1 Solutions
Дальше: Lab 11-3 Solutions


  • See for our method of capturing data using Wireshark, a fake mail server, and Outlook Express.

  • .


    , we focus on DllMain, which starts by checking for DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, as with the previous lab. It appears that this malware runs only during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH; otherwise, DllMain returns without doing anything else.

    at , we see the Windows system directory retrieved, as well as the string for Lab11-02.ini at . Together, these form a path with the strncat at . The malware attempts to open the INI file for reading at . If the file cannot be opened, DllMain returns.

    If the malware successfully opens the INI file, it reads the file into a global buffer, as shown in at .

    shows the result.

    , the decrypted content—the email address —is pointed to by EAX. This email address is stored in the global variable byte_100034A0, which we rename email_address in IDA Pro to aid future analysis.

    We have one last function to analyze inside DllMain: sub_100014B6. Because this function will install an inline hook, we’ll rename it hook_installer. The hook_installer function is complicated, so before diving into it, we provide a high-level overview of what this inline hook looks like after installation in .

    shows what a normal call to the send function in ws2_32.dll looks like. The right side of the figure shows how hook_installer installs an inline hook of the send function. The start of the send function is replaced with a jump to malicious code, which calls a trampoline (shown in the figure’s lower-right box). The trampoline simply executes the start of the send function (which was overwritten with the first jump) and then jumps back to the original send function, so that the send function can operate as it did before the hook was installed.

    contains code from the first of these functions, sub_10001075.

    will execute.

    has several functions for us to analyze. Inside , we see calls to GetCurrentProcessId and then sub_100012FE, which we rename to suspend_threads. The suspend_threads function calls GetCurrentThreadId, which returns a thread identifier (TID) of the current thread of execution. Next, suspend_threads calls CreateToolhelp32Snapshot and uses the result to loop through all of the TIDs for the current process. If a TID is not the current thread, then SuspendThread is called using the TID. We can conclude that the function called at suspends all executing threads in the current process.

    Conversely, the function called at does the exact opposite: It resumes all of the threads using calls to ResumeThread. We conclude that the code in is surrounded by two functions that suspend and then resume execution. This behavior is common when malware is making a change that could impact current execution, such as changing memory or installing an inline hook.

    Next, we examine the code in the call at . The function sub_100012A3 takes four arguments, as shown by the series of pushes in . Since this function is called only from this location, we can rename all of the arguments to match what is passed to the function, as shown in beginning at .

    , we see a handle to wsock32.dll obtained using GetModuleHandleA at . That handle is passed to GetProcAddress to resolve the send function at . The malware ends up passing the address of the send function and the two other parameters (sub_1000113D and dword_10003484) to sub_10001203, which we renamed place_hook.

    Now, we examine place_hook and rename the arguments accordingly in order to aid our analysis. shows the start of place_hook.

    calculates the difference between the memory address of the send function and the start of sub_1000113D. This difference has an additional 5 bytes subtracted from it before being moved into var_4 at . var_4 is used later in the code and prepended with 0xE9 (the opcode for jmp), making this a 5-byte instruction to jump to sub_1000113D.

    Let’s see how the malware installs this code as a hook later in place_hook. The start of the send function is modified by the instructions shown in .

    that var_4 contains the destination of the jump, sub_1000113D. The code in places a jmp instruction at the beginning of the send function that jumps to the function in our DLL at sub_1000113D, which we’ll now rename hook_function.

    Before we examine hook_function, let’s wrap up our analysis of the inline hook installation. shows place_hook manipulating memory.

    , place_hook calls VirtualProtect at on the start of the send function code. This action changes the memory protection to execute, read, and write access, thereby allowing the malware to modify the instructions of the send function. Another call to VirtualProtect at the end of the shows the creation of the trampoline’s code.

    , the memcpy at copies the first 5 bytes of the send function into the trampoline. Since the malware overwrites the first 5 bytes of the send instruction (), it needs to make sure that the original instructions are saved. The malware assumes that the send function’s first several instructions align exactly on 5 bytes, which might not always be the case.

    Next, the malware adds a jmp instruction to the trampoline code at and . At , the 0xE9 opcode is added. At , the location to jump is added. The jump location is calculated by subtracting the location of the trampoline from the location of the send function (meaning it will jump back to the send function).

    Finally, place_hook ends by setting the global variable dword_10003484 to the trampoline location. We rename dword_10003484 to trampoline_function to aid analysis.

    Next, we analyze hook_function (sub_1000113D), which will have the same arguments as the send function since it is installed as a hook. We begin our analysis by right-clicking the function name, selecting Set Function Type, and entering the following:

    will execute.

    builds a string that is added to the outgoing buffer. This string starts with RCPT TO: < at , followed by email_address at , and ends with >\r\n at . The email_address value in this case is (extracted from Lab11-02.ini, as explained earlier when we looked at the contents of that file). This code adds a recipient to all outgoing email messages.

    , shown earlier):

    • The program calls the send function.

    • The first instruction of the send function transfers execution to sub_1000113D.

    • sub_1000113D manipulates the outgoing buffer only if it contains a RCPT TO string.

    • sub_1000113D calls the trampoline code located on the heap and pointed to by dword_10003484.

    • The trampoline code executes the first three original instructions of the send function (which it overwrote to install the hook).

    • The trampoline code jumps back to the send function 5 bytes in, so that send can function normally.

    shows the start of the send function with the jmp hook to sub_1000113D. (If you like, you can set a breakpoint at this jump and analyze the code during runtime.)

    is a malicious DLL that exports installer, which installs the malware persistently using AppInit_DLLs, causing the malware to be loaded into most processes. The malware checks to see if it is loaded into a mail client by using a preset list of process names to target. If the malware determines that it is running inside one of these processes, it will act as a user-mode rootkit by installing an inline hook for the send function. The hook takes the form of a jmp instruction placed at the beginning of the send function. The hook executes a function that scans every data buffer passed to the send function and searches for RCPT TO. If the malware finds the RCPT TO string, it inserts an additional RCPT TO containing an email address retrieved by decoding Lab11-02.ini, essentially copying the malware author on every email sent from the targeted email programs.


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