Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 9-3 Solutions
Дальше: Lab 10-2 Solutions

, and see that it makes only four function calls.

at . This opens a handle to the Lab10-01 service if the CreateServiceA call failed because the service already existed.

at . Finally, it calls ControlService at . The second parameter to ControlService is what type of control message is being sent. In this case, the value is 0x01 at , which we look up in the documentation and find that it means SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP. This will unload the driver and call the driver’s unload function.


, the main body of the DriverEntry function appears to move an offset value into a memory location, but otherwise it doesn’t make any function calls or interact with the system.



We’re trying to identify the function called when the driver is unloaded—information at offset 0x034, DriverUnload, as shown at . Then we set a breakpoint using the following command:

kd> bp 0xf7c47486

Having set the breakpoint, we resume running our kernel. Then we return to the version of WinDbg running on the executable on our virtual machine and resume it as well. Immediately, the entire guest OS freezes because the kernel debugger has hit our kernel breakpoint. At this point, we can go to the kernel debugger to step through the code. We see that the program calls the RtlCreateRegistryKey function three times to create several registry keys, and then calls the RtlWriteRegistryValue twice to set the EnableFirewall value to 0 in two places. This disables the Windows XP firewall from the kernel in a way that is difficult for security programs to detect.

If the unload function at 0xf7c47486 were long or complex, it would have been difficult to analyze in WinDbg. In many cases, it’s easier to analyze a function in IDA Pro once you have identified where the function is located, because IDA Pro does a better job of analyzing the functions. However, the function location in WinDbg is different than the function location in IDA Pro, so we must perform some manual calculations in order to view the function in IDA Pro. We must calculate the offset of the function from the beginning of the file as it is loaded in WinDbg using the lm command, as follows:

kd> lm start      end        module name ... f7c47000  f7c47e80   Lab10_01   (no symbols) ...

As you can see, the file is loaded at 0xf7c47000 at , and from earlier, we know the unload function is located at 0xf7c47486. We subtract 0xf7c47000 from 0xf7c47486 to get the offset (0x486), which we then use to navigate to the unload function in IDA Pro. For example, if the base load address in IDA Pro is 0x00100000, then we navigate to address 0x00100486 to find the unload function in IDA Pro. We can then use static analysis and IDA Pro to confirm what we discovered in WinDbg.

Alternatively, we can change the base address in IDA Pro by selecting Edit ▸ Segments ▸ Rebase Program and changing the base address value from 0x00100000 to 0xf7c47000.


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