Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
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Дальше: Portable Executable File Format

. When a packed program is analyzed statically, only the small wrapper program can be dissected. ( discusses packing and unpacking in more detail.)

shows information about the orig_af2.ex_ file as reported by PEiD.


When a program is packed, you must unpack it in order to be able to perform any analysis. The unpacking process is often complex and is covered in detail in , but the UPX packing program is so popular and easy to use for unpacking that it deserves special mention here. For example, to unpack malware packed with UPX, you would simply download UPX (http://upx.sourceforge.net/) and run it like so, using the packed program as input:

to learn how to set up a safe environment for running malware.) Also, like all programs, especially those used for malware analysis, PEiD can be subject to vulnerabilities. For example, PEiD version 0.92 contained a buffer overflow that allowed an attacker to execute arbitrary code. This would have allowed a clever malware writer to write a program to exploit the malware analyst’s machine. Be sure to use the latest version of PEiD.


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