Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 3-4 Solutions
Дальше: Lab 6-1 Solutions

. The text “Line 1 of 18” at the bottom of the window tells us that there are nine cross-references for gethostbyname. Some versions of IDA Pro double-count cross-references: p is a reference because it is being called, and r is a reference because it is a “read” reference (since it is call dword ptr [...] for an import, the CPU must read the import and then call into it). Examining the cross-reference list closely, you can see that gethostbyname is called by five separate functions.

shows the string in memory, and how adding 0xD to EAX advances the pointer to the location of the URL in memory. The call will perform a DNS request to get an IP address for the domain.

, we see what IDA Pro has done to recognize and label the function’s local variables and parameters. The labeled local variables correspond to negative offsets, and we count 23 of them, most of which are prepended with var_. The freeware version of IDA Pro counts only 20 local variables, so the version you are using may detect a slightly different number of local variables. The parameters are labeled and referenced with positive offsets, and we see that IDA Pro has recognized one parameter for the function labeled arg_0.

shows the result of graphing the cross-references for sub_10004E79. We see that this function calls GetSystemDefaultLangID and send. This information tells us that the function likely sends the language identifier over a network socket, so we can right-click the function name and give it a more meaningful name, such as send_languageID.


The start and end address should correspond to the start of DllMain—specifically, 0x1000D02E. Because we care only about the cross-references from DllMain, we select a recursion depth of 1 to display only the functions that DllMain calls directly. shows the resulting graph. (The API calls are seen in gray.) To see all functions called at a recursive depth of 2, follow the same steps and select a recursion depth of 2. The result will be a much larger graph, which even shows a recursive call back to DllMain.

. We see that 6, 1, and 2 are pushed onto the stack. These numbers correspond to symbolic constants that are described on the MSDN page for socket. Right-clicking each of the numbers and selecting Use Symbolic Constant presents a dialog listing all of the constants that IDA Pro has for a particular value. In this example, the number 2 corresponds to AF_INET, which is used for setting up an IPv4 socket; 1 stands for SOCK_STREAM, and 6 stands for IPPROTO_TCP. Therefore, this socket will be configured for TCP over IPv4 (commonly used for HTTP).


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