Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: B. Tools for Malware Analysis
Дальше: Lab 1-1 Solutions

This appendix contains solutions to the labs that appear at the ends of most chapters. For each lab, we provide a short answer section followed by detailed analysis. The short answer section is useful for quickly checking to see if you got the right answer. The detailed analysis is useful for following step-by-step exactly how to complete the lab. If you have trouble completing a lab, use the detailed analysis section to guide you through it.

The labs are designed to run on a Windows XP machine with administrative privileges. Many of the labs will work on Windows Vista or Windows 7, but some will not.

Назад: B. Tools for Malware Analysis
Дальше: Lab 1-1 Solutions
