Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: 21. 64-Bit Malware
Дальше: Differences in x64 Architecture


Plug-ins and injected code

  • These must be 64-bit in order to run properly in a 64-bit process. For example, a malicious Internet Explorer plug-in or ActiveX control must be 64-bit if the computer is running the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer. Code injected using the techniques covered in also runs within another process. If the target process is 64-bit, the injected code must also be 64-bit.


  • Shellcode is usually run as part of an exploit within the process that it is exploiting. In order to exploit a vulnerability in the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer, for example, a malware author would need to write 64-bit shellcode. As more users run a mix of 64-bit and 32-bit applications, malware writers will need to write a separate version of shellcode for 32-bit and 64-bit victims.


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