Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: A Full Hello World Example
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shows a small piece of disassembly of code used to access the registry, with seven NULL bytes in this selection alone. This code could typically not be used as-is in a shellcode payload.

Programs may perform additional sanity checks on data that the shellcode must pass in order to succeed, such as the following:

To overcome filtering limitations by the vulnerable program, nearly all shellcode encodes the main payload to pass the vulnerable program’s filter and inserts a decoder that turns the encoded payload into executable bytes. Only the small decoder section must be written carefully so that its instruction bytes will pass the strict filter requirements; the rest of the payload can be encoded at compile time to also pass the filter. If the shellcode writes the decoded bytes back on top of the encoded bytes (as usual), the shellcode is self-modifying. When the decoding is complete, the decoder transfers control to the main payload to execute.

The following are common encoding techniques:

Shellcode encodings have additional benefits for the attackers, in that they make analysis more difficult by hiding human-readable strings such as URLs or IP addresses. Also, they may help evade network IDSs.


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