Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Conclusion
Дальше: VI. Special Topics

Your goal for the labs in this chapter is simply to unpack the code for further analysis. For each lab, you should try to unpack the code so that other static analysis techniques can be used. While you may be able to find an automated unpacker that will work with some of these labs, automated unpackers won’t help you learn the skills you need when you encounter custom packers. Also, once you master unpacking, you may be able to manually unpack a file in less time than it takes to find, download, and use an automated unpacker.

Each lab is a packed version of a lab from a previous chapter. Your task in each case is to unpack the lab and identify the chapter in which it appeared. The files are Lab18-01.exe through Lab18-05.exe.

Назад: Conclusion
Дальше: VI. Special Topics
