Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Unpacking Options
Дальше: Tips and Tricks for Common Packers


. OllyDbg offers four types of breakpoints, which are triggered by different conditions: the standard INT 3 breakpoints, the memory breakpoint provided by OllyDbg, hardware breakpoints, and run tracing with break conditions.

Packed code and the unpacking stub are often unlike the code that debuggers ordinarily deal with. Packed code is often self-modifying, containing call instructions that do not return, code that is not marked as code, and other oddities. These features can confuse the debuggers and cause breakpoints to fail.

Using an automated tool to find the OEP is the easiest strategy, but much like the automated unpacking approach, these tools do not always work. You may need to find the OEP manually.

shows a simple tail jump example.

. IDA Pro colors a jump red when it can’t determine where the jump goes. Normally, jumps are within the same function, and IDA Pro will draw an arrow to the target of a jmp instruction. In the case of a tail jump, IDA Pro encounters an error and colors the jump red.

shows the disassembly at the address of the jump target when the program is loaded in OllyDbg. The instruction ADD BYTE PTR DS:[EAX],AL corresponds to two 0x00 bytes, which is not a valid instruction, but OllyDbg is attempting to disassemble this instruction anyway.

contains the disassembly found at the same address when the tail jump is executed. The original executable has been unpacked, and there are now valid instructions at that location. This change is another hallmark of a tail jump.


The listing shows a call instruction with a target based on a DWORD pointer. In IDA Pro, we navigate to the DWORD and see that it has a value of 0x7c4586c8, which is outside our loaded program. Next, we open OllyDbg and navigate to the address 0x7c4586c8 to see what is there. OllyDbg has labeled that address WriteFile, and we can now label that import address as imp_WriteFile, so that we know what the function does. You’ll need to go through these steps for each import you encounter. The cross-referencing feature of IDA Pro will then label all calls to the imported functions. Once you’ve labeled enough functions, you can effectively analyze the malware.

The main drawbacks to this method are that you may need to label a lot of functions, and you cannot search for calls to an import until you have labeled it. The other drawback to this approach is that you can’t actually run your unpacked program. This isn’t a showstopper, because you can use the unpacked program for static analysis, and you can still use the packed program for dynamic analysis.

Another strategy, which does allow you to run the unpacked program, is to manually rebuild the import table. If you can find the table of imported functions, then you can rebuild the original import table by hand. The PE file format is an open standard, and you can enter the imported functions one at time, or you could write a script to enter the information for you. The biggest drawback is that this approach can be very tedious and time-consuming.


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