Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: 17. Anti-Virtual Machine Techniques
Дальше: Vulnerable Instructions

shows the process listing for a standard VMware image with VMware Tools installed. Notice that three VMware processes are running: VMwareService.exe, VMwareTray.exe, and VMwareUser.exe. Any one of these can be found by malware as it searches the process listing for the VMware string.

, you can connect your virtual machine to a network in a variety of ways, all of which allow the virtual machine to have its own virtual network interface card (NIC). Because VMware must virtualize the NIC, it needs to create a MAC address for the virtual machine, and, depending on its configuration, the network adapter can also identify VMware usage.

The first three bytes of a MAC address are typically specific to the vendor, and MAC addresses starting with 00:0C:29 are associated with VMware. VMware MAC addresses typically change from version to version, but all that a malware author needs to do is to check the virtual machine’s MAC address for VMware values.

Malware can also detect VMware by other hardware, such as the motherboard. If you see malware checking versions of hardware, it might be trying to detect VMware. Look for the code that checks MAC addresses or hardware versions, and patch the code to avoid the check.

The most common VMware artifacts can be easily eliminated by uninstalling VMware Tools or by trying to stop the VMware Tools Service with the following command:

at .

Example 17-1. Disassembly snippet from vmt.exe showing VMware artifact detection

0040102D        call ds:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 00401033        lea ecx, [ebp+processentry32] 00401039        mov ebx, eax 0040103B        push ecx        ; lppe 0040103C        push ebx        ; hSnapshot 0040103D        mov [ebp+processentry32.dwSize], 22Ch 00401047        call ds:Process32FirstW 0040104D        mov esi, ds:WideCharToMultiByte 00401053        mov edi, ds:strncmp 00401059        lea esp, [esp+0] 00401060 loc_401060:         ; CODE XREF: sub_401000+B7j 00401060        push 0          ; lpUsedDefaultChar 00401062        push 0          ; lpDefaultChar 00401064        push 104h       ; cbMultiByte 00401069        lea edx, [ebp+Str1] 0040106F        push edx        ; lpMultiByteStr 00401070        push 0FFFFFFFFh ; cchWideChar 00401072        lea eax, [ebp+processentry32.szExeFile] 00401078        push eax        ; lpWideCharStr 00401079        push 0          ; dwFlags 0040107B        push 3          ; CodePage 0040107D        call esi ; WideCharToMultiByte 0040107F        lea eax, [ebp+Str1] 00401085        lea edx, [eax+1] 00401088 loc_401088:         ; CODE XREF: sub_401000+8Dj 00401088        mov cl, [eax] 0040108A        inc eax 0040108B        test cl, cl 0040108D        jnz short loc_401088 0040108F        sub eax, edx 00401091        push eax        ; MaxCount 00401092        lea ecx, [ebp+Str1] 00401098        push offset Str2 ; "VMwareTray.exe"  0040109D        push ecx        ; Str1 0040109E        call edi ; strncmp  004010A0        add esp, 0Ch 004010A3        test eax, eax 004010A5        jz  short loc_4010C0 004010A7        lea edx, [ebp+processentry32] 004010AD        push edx        ; lppe 004010AE        push ebx        ; hSnapshot 004010AF        call ds:Process32NextW 004010B5        test eax, eax 004010B7        jnz short loc_401060 ... 004010C0 loc_4010C0:         ; CODE XREF: sub_401000+A5j 004010C0        push 0          ; Code 004010C2        call ds:exit

Analyzing this code further, we notice that it is scanning the process listing with functions like CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32Next, and so on. The strncmp at is comparing the VMwareTray.exe string with the result of converting processentry32.szExeFile to ASCII to determine if the process name is in the process listing. If VMwareTray.exe is discovered in the process listing, the program will immediately terminate, as seen at 0x4010c2.

There are a couple of ways to avoid this detection:


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