Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Thwarting Stack-Frame Analysis
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Anti-disassembly is not confined to the techniques discussed in this chapter. It is a class of techniques that takes advantage of the inherent difficulties in analysis. Advanced programs such as modern disassemblers do an excellent job of determining which instructions constitute a program, but they still require assumptions and choices to be made in the process. For each choice or assumption that can be made by a disassembler, there may be a corresponding anti-disassembly technique.

This chapter showed how disassemblers work and how linear and flow-oriented disassembly strategies differ. Anti-disassembly is more difficult with a flow-oriented disassembler but still quite possible, once you understand that the disassembler is making certain assumptions about where the code will execute. Many anti-disassembly techniques used against flow-oriented disassemblers operate by crafting conditional flow-control instructions for which the condition is always the same at runtime but unknown by the disassembler.

Obscuring flow control is a way that malware can cause the malware analyst to overlook portions of code or hide a function’s purpose by obscuring its relation to other functions and system calls. We examined several ways to accomplish this, ranging from using the ret instruction to using SEH handlers as a general-purpose jump.

The goal of this chapter was to help you understand code from a tactical perspective. You learned how these types of techniques work, why they are useful, and how to defeat them when you encounter them in the field. More techniques are waiting to be discovered and invented. With this solid foundation, you will be more than prepared to wage war in the anti-disassembly battlefield of the future.

Назад: Thwarting Stack-Frame Analysis
Дальше: Labs
