Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: 14. Malware-Focused Network Signatures
Дальше: Safely Investigate an Attacker Online


, and then does an HTTP GET request on port 80 to the IP address returned in the DNS record. Thirty seconds later, it tries to beacon out to a specific IP address without doing a DNS query. At this point, we have three potential indicators of malicious activity: a domain name with its associated IP address, a stand-alone IP address, and an HTTP GET request with URI and contents, as shown in .

We would probably want to further research these indicators. Internet searches might reveal how long ago the malware was created, when it was first detected, how prevalent it is, who might have written it, and what the attackers’ objectives might be. A lack of information is instructive as well, since it can imply the existence of a targeted attack or a new campaign.

Before rushing to your favorite search engine, however, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with your online research activities.


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