Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Decoding
Дальше: 14. Malware-Focused Network Signatures

Both malware authors and malware analysts are continually improving their capabilities and skills. In an effort to avoid detection and frustrate analysts, malware authors are increasingly employing measures to protect their intentions, their techniques, and their communications. A primary tool at their disposal is encoding and encryption. Encoding affects more than just communications; it also pertains to making malware more difficult to analyze and understand. Fortunately, with the proper tools, many techniques in use can be relatively easily identified and countered.

This chapter covered the most popular encryption and encoding techniques in use by malware. It also discussed a number of tools and techniques that you can use to identify, understand, and decode the encoding methods used by malware.

This chapter focused on encoding generally, explaining how to identify encoding and perform decoding. In the next chapter, we will look specifically at how malware uses the network for command and control. In many cases, this network command-and-control traffic is encoded, yet it is still possible to create robust signatures to detect the malicious communication.

Назад: Decoding
Дальше: 14. Malware-Focused Network Signatures
