Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Labs
Дальше: The Goal of Analyzing Encoding Algorithms

In the context of malware analysis, the term data encoding refers to all forms of content modification for the purpose of hiding intent. Malware uses encoding techniques to mask its malicious activities, and as a malware analyst, you’ll need to understand these techniques in order to fully understand the malware.

When using data encoding, attackers will choose the method that best meets their goals. Sometimes, they will choose simple ciphers or basic encoding functions that are easy to code and provide enough protection; other times, they will use sophisticated cryptographic ciphers or custom encryption to make identification and reverse-engineering more difficult.

We begin this chapter by focusing on finding and identifying encoding functions. Then we will cover strategies for decoding.

Назад: Labs
Дальше: The Goal of Analyzing Encoding Algorithms
