Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: APC Injection
Дальше: Labs

In this chapter, we’ve explored the common covert methods through which malware launches, ranging from the simple to advanced. Many of the techniques involve manipulating live memory on the system, as with DLL injection, process replacement, and hook injection. Other techniques involve modifying binaries on disk, as in the case of adding a .detour section to a PE file. Although these techniques are all very different, they achieve the same goal.

A malware analyst must be able to recognize launching techniques in order to know how to find malware on a live system. Recognizing and analyzing launching techniques is really only part of the full analysis, since all launchers do only one thing: they get the malware running.

In the next two chapters, you will learn how malware encodes its data and communicates over the network.

Назад: APC Injection
Дальше: Labs
