Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Covering Its Tracks—User-Mode Rootkits
Дальше: 12. Covert Malware Launching

This chapter has given you a quick tour through some of the common capabilities of malware. We started with the different types of backdoors. Then we explored how malware steals credentials from a victim. Next, we looked at the different ways that malware can achieve persistence on a system. Finally, we showed how malware covers its tracks so that it cannot be easily found. You now have been introduced to the most common malware behaviors.

The next several chapters deepen the discussion of malware behavior. In the next chapter, we talk about how malware covertly launches. In later chapters, we’ll look at how malware encodes data and how it communicates over networks.

Назад: Covering Its Tracks—User-Mode Rootkits
Дальше: 12. Covert Malware Launching
