Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
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shows an example of the way that logon credentials flow through a system with a malicious file between Winlogon and msgina.dll. The malware (fsgina.dll) is able to capture all user credentials submitted to the system for authentication. It can log that information to disk or pass it over the network.

shows the WlxLoggedOutSAS export of fsgina.dll.

. For now, just know that it is a way that malware can run a DLL inside another process, thereby providing that DLL with all of the privileges of that process. Hash dumping tools often target lsass.exe because it has the necessary privilege level as well as access to many useful API functions.

Standard pwdump uses the DLL lsaext.dll. Once it is running inside lsass.exe, pwdump calls GetHash, which is exported by lsaext.dll in order to perform the hash extraction. This extraction uses undocumented Windows function calls to enumerate the users on a system and get the password hashes in unencrypted form for each user.

When dealing with pwdump variants, you will need to analyze DLLs in order to determine how the hash dumping operates. Start by looking at the DLL’s exports. The default export name for pwdump is GetHash, but attackers shows the code in the exported function GrabHash from a pwdump variant DLL. Since this DLL was injected into lsass.exe, it must manually resolve numerous symbols before using them.

shows the code obtaining handles to the libraries samsrv.dll and advapi32.dll via LoadLibrary at and . Samsrv.dll contains an API to easily access the SAM, and advapi32.dll is resolved to access functions not already imported into lsass.exe. The pwdump variant DLL uses the handles to these libraries to resolve many functions, with the most important five shown in the listing (look for the GetProcAddress calls and parameters).

The interesting imports resolved from samsrv.dll are SamIConnect, SamrQueryInformationUser, and SamIGetPrivateData. Later in the code, SamIConnect is used to connect to the SAM, followed by calling SamrQueryInformationUser for each user on the system.

The hashes will be extracted with SamIGetPrivateData and decrypted by SystemFunction025 and SystemFunction027, which are imported from advapi32.dll, as seen at and . None of the API functions in this listing are documented by Microsoft.

shows code from a whosthere-alt variant that exports a function named TestDump.


We’ll focus on polling keyloggers that use GetAsyncKeyState and GetForegroundWindow. The GetAsyncKeyState function identifies whether a key is pressed or depressed, and whether the key was pressed after the most recent call to GetAsyncKeyState. The GetForegroundWindow function identifies the foreground window—the one that has focus—which tells the keylogger which application is being used for keyboard entry (Notepad or Internet Explorer, for example).

illustrates a typical loop structure found in a polling keylogger. The program begins by calling GetForegroundWindow, which logs the active window. Next, the inner loop iterates through a list of keys on the keyboard. For each key, it calls GetAsyncKeyState to determine if a key has been pressed. If so, the program checks the SHIFT and CAPS LOCK keys to determine how to log the keystroke properly. Once the inner loop has iterated through the entire list of keys, the GetForegroundWindow function is called again to ensure the user is still in the same window. This process repeats quickly enough to keep up with a user’s typing. (The keylogger may call the Sleep function to keep the program from eating up system resources.)


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