Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Microsoft Symbols
Дальше: Rootkits


that a file is being created to get a handle to a device with a call to CreateFileA at . The filename pushed onto the stack is stored in EDI at . (Not pictured is the EDI being loaded with the string \\.\FileWriterDevice, which is the name of the object created by the driver for the user-space application to access.)


shows example output:


The driver object is stored at address 0x827e3698 at . Once we have the address for the driver object, we can look at its structure using the dt command, as shown in .

. We can check to see if the instructions at that address look valid by using the u command. In this case they do, but if they did not, it could mean that we made an error in the address calculation.

, which calls ZwCreateFile and ZwWriteFile to write to a file from kernel space.

The Windows kernel uses a UNICODE_STRING structure, which is different from the wide character strings in user space. The RtlInitUnicodeString function at is used to create kernel strings. The second parameter to the function is a NULL-terminated wide character string of the UNICODE_STRING being created.

The filename for the ZwCreateFile function is \DosDevices\C:\secretfile.txt. To create a file from within the kernel, you must specify a fully qualified object name that identifies the root device involved. For most devices, this is the familiar object name preceded by \DosDevices.

DeviceIoControl is not the only function that can send data from user space to kernel drivers. CreateFile, ReadFile, WriteFile, and other functions can also do this. For example, if a user-mode application calls ReadFile on a handle to a device, the IRP_MJ_READ function is called. In our example, we found the function for DeviceIoControl by adding 0xe*4 to the beginning of the major function table because IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL has a value of 0xe. To find the function for read requests, we add 0x3*4 to the beginning of the major function table instead of 0xe*4 because the value of IRP_MJ_READ is 0x3.

In the previous example, we saw that a driver was loaded in kernel space when we ran our malware, and we assumed that it was the infected driver. Sometimes the driver object will be more difficult to find, but there are tools that can help. To understand how these tools work, recall that applications interact with devices, not drivers. From the user-space application, you can identify the device object and then use the device object to find the driver object. You can use the !devobj command to get device object information by using the name of the device specified by the CreateFile call from the user-space code.

kd> !devobj FileWriterDevice Device object (826eb030) is for:  Rootkit \Driver\FileWriter DriverObject 827e3698 Current Irp 00000000 RefCount 1 Type 00000022 Flags 00000040 Dacl e13deedc DevExt 00000000 DevObjExt 828eb0e8 ExtensionFlags (0000000000) Device queue is not busy.

The device object provides a pointer to the driver object, and once you have the address for the driver object, you can find the major function table.

After you’ve identified the malicious driver, you might still need to figure out which application is using it. One of the outputs of the !devobj command that we just ran is a handle for the device object. You can use that handle with the !devhandles command to obtain a list of all user-space applications that have a handle to that device. This command iterates through every handle table for every process, which takes a long time. The following is the abbreviated output for the !devhandles command, which reveals that the FileWriterApp.exe application was using the malicious driver in this case.

kd>!devhandles 826eb030 ... Checking handle table for process 0x829001f0 Handle table at e1d09000 with 32 Entries in use  Checking handle table for process 0x8258d548 Handle table at e1cfa000 with 114 Entries in use  Checking handle table for process 0x82752da0 Handle table at e1045000 with 18 Entries in use PROCESS 82752da0  SessionId: 0  Cid: 0410    Peb: 7ffd5000  ParentCid: 075c     DirBase: 09180240  ObjectTable: e1da0180  HandleCount:  18.     Image: FileWriterApp.exe  07b8: Object: 826eb0e8  GrantedAccess: 0012019f

Now that we know which application is affected, we can find it in user space and analyze it using the techniques discussed throughout this book.

We have covered the basics of analyzing malicious kernel drivers. Next, we’ll turn to techniques for analyzing rootkits, which are usually implemented as a kernel driver.


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