Книга: Мозг на пенсии. Научный взгляд на преклонный возраст
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Aleman, A., I. Torres-Alemán, ‘Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor I and Cognitive Function: neuromodulation throughout the lifespan’, Progress in Neurobiology, 2009, 89(3): 256–265.
Aleman, A., H. J. Verhaar, E.H. de Haan, W.R. de Vries, M. M. Samson, M. L. Drent, E.A. van der Veen, H. P. Koppeschaar, ‘Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and Cognitive Function in Healthy Older Men’, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1999, 84(2) 471–475.
Ayers, B., M. Forshaw, M. S. Hunter, ‘The impact of Attitudes towards the Menopause on Women’s Symptom Experience: a systematic review’, Maturitas, 2010, 65(1): 28–36.
Dik, M. G., S. M. Pluijm, C. Jonker, D. J. Deeg, M. Z. Lomecky, P. Lips, ‘Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) and Cognitive Decline in Older Persons’, Neurobiology of Aging, 2003, 24(4): 573–81. Erratum in Neurobiology of Aging, Feb. 2004, 25(2): 271.
Dumas, J. A., A. M. Kutz, M. R. Naylor, J. V. Johnson, P. A. Newhouse, ‘Increased Memory Load-Related Frontal Activation after Estradiol Treatment in Postmenopausal Women’, Hormones and Behavior, 2010, 58(5): 929–935.
Emmelot-Vonk, M. H., H. J. Verhaar, H. R. Nakhai Pour, A. Aleman, T. M. Lock, J. L. Bosch, D. E. Grobbee, Y. T. van der Schouw, ‘Effect of Testosterone Supplementation on Functional Mobility, Cognition, and Other Parameters in Older Men: a randomized controlled trial’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 2008, 299(1): 39–52.
Foster, T. C., ‘Role of Estrogen Receptor Alpha and Beta Expression and Signaling on Cognitive Function during Aging’, Hippocampus, 2012, 22(4): 656–669.
Hogervorst, E., S. Bandelow, ‘Sex Steroids to Maintain Cognitive Function in Women after the Menopause: a meta-analysis of treatment trials’, Maturitas, 2010, 66(1): 56–71.
Holland, J., S Bandelow, E. Hogervorst, ‘Testosterone Levels and Cognition in Elderly Men: a review’, Maturitas, 2011, 69(4): 322–337.
Kreijkamp-Kaspers, S., L. Kok, D. E. Grobbee, E. H. de Haan, A. Aleman, Y.T. van der Schouw, ‘Dietary Phytoestrogen Intake and Cognitive Function in Older women’, Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2007, 62(5): 556–562.
Kreijkamp-Kaspers, S., L. Kok, D. E. Grobbee, E.H. de Haan, A. Aleman, J. W. Lampe, Y.T. van der Schouw, ‘Effects of Soy Protein Containing Isoflavones on Cognitive Function, Bone Mineral Density and Plasma Lipids in Postmenopausal Women: a randomized trial’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 2004, 292(1): 65–74.
Leon-Carrion, J., J. F. Martin-Rodriguez, A. Madrazo-Atutxa, A. Soto-Moreno, E. Venegas-Moreno, E. Torres-Vela, P. Benito-López, M. A. Gálvez, F. J. Tinahones, A. Leal-Cerro, ‘Evidence of Cognitive and Neurophysiological Impairment in Patients with Untreated Naive Acromegaly’, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2010, 95(9): 4367–4379.
Melby, M. K., M. Lock, P. Kaufert, ‘Culture and Symptom Reporting at Menopause’, Human Reproduction Update, 2005, 11(5): 495–512.
Muller, M, A. Aleman, D. E. Grobbee, E. H. de Haan, Y. T. van der Schouw, ‘Endogenous Sex Hormone Levels and Cognitive Function in Aging Men: is there an optimal level?’, Neurology, 2005, 64(5): 866–871.
Shepard, R. N., J. Metzler, ‘Mental Rotation of Three-Dimensional Objects’, Science, 2005, 171: 701–703.
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