Книга: Мозг на пенсии. Научный взгляд на преклонный возраст
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Burgmans, S., E. H. Gronenschild, Y. Fandakova, Y. L. Shing, M. P. van Boxtel, E. F. Vuurman, H. B. Uylings, J. Jolles, N. Raz, ‘Age Differences in Speed of Processing Are Partially Mediated by Differences in Axonal Integrity’, NeuroImage, 2011, 55(3): 1287–1297.
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Resnick, S. M., D. L. Pham, M. A. Kraut, A. B. Zonderman, C. Davatzikos, ‘Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Older Adults: a shrinking brain’, Journal of Neuroscience, 2003, 23(8): 3295–3301.
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