Книга: Антирак груди
Назад: 591
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Huang, M.-T., Asawa T., Ho C.-T., Rosen R.T., eds, 1994. Food phytochemicals for cancer prevention I – fruits and vegetables. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society; Ho, C.-T., Osawa, T., Huang, M.-T. and Rosen, R.T., eds, 1994. Food phytochemicals for cancer prevention II – teas, spices, herbs. Washing ton, DC: American Chemical Society; American Institute for Cancer Research, ed., 1996. Dietary phytochemicals in cancer prevention and treatment. New York: Plenum Press; Liu, R.H. and Espinosa, A., 2000. Bio-active Compounds from Fruits and Vegetables in the Prevention of Cancer. In: Agriculture in the New Century: Managing Bio-Resources and Bio-Diversity, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 53–59.
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