Книга: Антирак груди
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Vaarala, O. and others, 1998. Cow milk feeding induces antibodies to insulin in children – a link: between cow milk and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus? Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 47 (2), 131–135; Slebodzinsky, A.B. and others, 1998. Triiodothyronine (T3), insulin and characteristics of 5'-monodiodinase (5'-MD) in mare's milk from partarition to 21 days post-partum. Reprod Nutr Dev, 38 (3), 235–244; Westrom, B.R. and others, 1987. Levels of immunoreactive insulin, neurotensin, and bombesin in porcine colostreum and milk. J. Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr., 6 (3), 460–465.
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