Книга: Далекое будущее Вселенной Эсхатология в космической перспективе
Назад: Приложение Олаф Степлдон (1886–1950)
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1. Aldiss, В., Billion Year Spree (Weidenfield and Nicholson, London, 1973), 235f.
2. Aldiss, В., "Review of L. A. Fiedler's Olaf Stapledon: A Man Divided", Times Literary Supplement (23 September 1982), 1007f.
3. Armstrong, A. H., "Plotinus", in Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, ed. A. H. Armstrong (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1970), 195–271, esp. 260, after Plotinus's Ennead V.3.1.17.
4. Coates, J. B., Ten Modern Prophets (Muller, London, 1944).
5. Crossley, R., ed., Talking across the World: The Love Letters of Olaf Stapledon and Agnes Miller, 1913–1919 (University Press of New England, Hanover and London, 1987).
6. Clark, S. R.L., A Parliament of Souh (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1990), 39–46.
7. Clark, S. R.L., Olaf Stapledon (1886–1950)", Int. Sei. Rev., 18, 112–19 (1993).
8. Fiedler, L. A., Olaf Stapledon: A Man Divided (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1983).
9. Haidane, J. B.S., Possible Worlds (Chatto and Windus, London, 1930; 1st published 1927), 303.
10. Hillman, J., Re-Visioning Psychology (Harper and Row, New York, 1975), 199.
11. Kant, I., Kant's Political Writings, ed. H. Reiss (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1970), 107.
12. Leibniz, G. W., New Essays on Human Understanding, eds. J. Bennett and P. Remnant (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981), 490 (4.17.16).
13. Lessing, D., Archives Re: Colonized Planet 5: Shikasta (Cape, London, 1979).
14. Lessing, D., The Sirian Experiments (Cape, London, 1981).
15. Lessing, D., The Making of Representative for Planet 8 (Cape, London, 1982).
16. Lewis, C. S., Out of the Silent Planet (Bles, London, 1937).
17. Lewis, C. S., Of Other Worlds (Bles, London, 1966).
18. McCarthy, P., Olaf Stapledon (Twayne, Boston, 1982).
19. Plotinus, Ennead VI.7.36, 17–19, trans. A. H. Armstrong (Loeb Classical Library, Heinemann, London, 1988), vol. 7 p. 201.
20. Speaight, R., Teilhard de Chardin: A Biography (Collins, London, 1967), 233f.
21. Stapledon, O., Last and First Men (Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1972, joint with [22]; 1st published in 1930).
22. Stapledon, O., Last Men in London (Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1972, joint with [21]; 1st published in 1932).
23. Stapledon, O., Odd John (Methuen, London, 1935).
24. Stapledon, O., Starmaker (Methuen, London, 1937).
25. Stapledon, О., in London Mercury (1937); reprinted in Perry Rhodan 86 (Ace, New York, 1976), 33ff.
26. Stapledon, O., Philosophy and Living (Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1939).
27. Stapledon, O., Saints and Revolutionaries (Heinemann, London, 1939).
28. Stapledon, O., Darkness and Light (Methuen, London, 1946).
29. Stapledon, O., Sirius (Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1964; 1st published 1944).
30. Stapledon, O., "Morality, Scepticism and Theism", in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 39 (1944).
31. Stapledon, O., Death into Life (Methuen, London, 1946).
32. Stapledon, O., The Flames (Seeker and Varburg, London, 1947).
33. Stapledon, O., "The Meaning of Spirit", in Here and Now, eds., P. Albery and S. Read (Falcon Press, London, 1949), 72ff.
34. Stapledon, O., A Man Divided (Methuen, London, 1950).
35. Stapledon, A., ed., The Opening of the Eyes (Methuen, London, 1954), 8. (Неоконченная книга Олафа Степлдона под редакцией его вдовы.)
Назад: Приложение Олаф Степлдон (1886–1950)
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