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«Haec est Cabala quae nos humi degere non sinit, sed mentem nostram extollit ad altissimam comprehensionis metam». Reuchlin. De arte cabalistica, 20a.
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См.: Coudert A. P. Leibniz and the Kabbalah. Dordrecht, 1995; Coudert A. P. The Impact of the Kabbalah in the Seventeenth Century. Leiden, 1999. С. 308–329. См. также: Foucher de Cariel A. Leibnitz, la philosophie juive et la Cabala. Paris, 1861; Politella J. Platonism, Aristotelism and Cabalism in the philosophy of Leibniz. Philadelphia, 1938; Hutin S. Henry More. Hildesheim, 1966. Pp. 194–197. О влиянии христианской каббалы на монадологию Лейбница см.: Merchant C. The Vitalism of Anne Conway: Its Impact on Leibnitz’s Concept of the Mind // Journal of the History of Philosophy. 1979. Vol. 17. Pp. 255–269.