За эти мысли я благодарна Дэвиду Харви. Harvey D. A Brief History of Neoliberalism.
Schuman М. Billionaires in the Making // Forbes. 1994. July 18; Harvey D. A Brief History of Neoliberalism, p. 103.
YPFB: Selling a National Symbol // Institutional Investor. 1997. March 1; Friedland J. Money Transfer // Wall Street Journal. 1995. August 15.
Friedland J. Money Transfer.
Blustein P. And the Money Kept Rolling In (and Out), pp. 24, 29; Nash N.C. Argentina's President, Praised Abroad, Finds Himself in Trouble at Home // New York Times. 1991. June 8; Robberson T. Argentine President's Exit Inspires Mixed Emotions // Dallas Morning News. 1999. October 18.