Я опираюсь на подробную библиографию в книге Сh. Courtois и на комментированный список литературы в руководстве по самопомощи E. Boss, L. Davis.
Boss E., Davis L. The Courage to Heal. A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. New York, 1988.
Bryant C. L. A Transpersonal Perspective of Domestic Violence and its Treatment: Diss. Los Angeles, 1986 (unpublished manuscript).
Courtois Ch. Healing the Incest Wound. Adult Survivors in Therapy. New York, 1988.
Figley Ch. Trauma and its Wake. The Study and Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. New York, 1985.
Fortune M. M. Sexual Violence. The Unmentionable Sin. New York, 1983.
Gartrell N., Herman J. Psychiatrist – Patient Sexual Contact. Results of a National Survey, I // Amer. J. Psychiatry. 1986. 143. 9.
Gartrell N., Herman J. Reporting Practices of Psychiatrists Who Knew of Sexual Misconduct by Colleagues // Amer. J. Orthopsychiat. 1987. 57. 2.
Gravitz H. L., Bowden J. D. Guide to Recovery. A Book for Adult Children of Alcoholics. Florida, 1985.
Herman J., Gartrell N. Results of a National Survey, II // Amer. J. Psychiatry. 1987. 144. 2.
McFarland B., Baker T. Feeding the Empty Heart. Adult Children and Compulsive Eating. New York, 1988.
Maltz W., Holman B. Incest and Sexuality. Lexington, 1987.
Pope S., Bouhoutsos J. Sexual Intimacy between Therapists and Patients. New York, 1986.
Sgroi S. M. (Hrsg.). Vulnerable Populations. Evaluation and Treatment of Sexually Abused Children and Adult Survivors. Lexington, 1988.
Smith S. The Sexually Abused Patient and the Abusing Therapist. A study in Sadomasochistic Relationships // Psychoanalytic Psychology. 1984. 2.
Ulanov A. B. Follow-up Treatment in Gases of Patient – Therapist Sex // Journal of the Amer. Academy of Psychoanalysis. 7. 1.
Ulman R. B., Brothers D. The Shattered Self. A Psychoanalytic Study of Trauma. Hillsdale, 1988.
Westerlund E. Sexuality in Women with Incest Histories: Diss. Boston University, 1987 (unpublished manuscript).