Книга: Славное дело. Американская революция 1763-1789
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Fishburne B. and others. Orderly Book, June 12 — July 13, 1778. BR96. HL.


Stedman Ch. History of the American War. II. P. 38.


Lamb R. An Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences During the Late American War… Dublin, 1809. P. 362.


Powell W. S. A Connecticut Soldier Under Washington: Elisha Bostwick’s Memoirs of the First Years of the Revolution // WMQ. 3d Ser. 6. 1949. P. 102.


Толстой Л. Война и мир. XI. 2.


См.: MHS, Procs. 14. Boston, 1876. P. 83.


Marshall S. L. A. Men Against Fire. New York, 1947 (особенно гл. 10).


О тактике XVIII века: Palmer R.R. Frederick the Great, Guibert, Bulow: From Dynastic to National War // Makers of Modem Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler. Princeton, 1943; Willcox W.B. Portrait of a General; Wickwire F. B., Wickwire M. Cornwallis. P. 49; Bland H. An Abstract of Military Discipline. Boston, 1747; The Manual Exercise As Ordered by His Majesty in 1764. Boston, 1774; Pickering T. An Easy Plan of Discipline for a Militia. Salem, 1775.
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