Замечание Вашингтона см.: GW Writings. XXIII. Р. 210.
Diary of Captain James Duncan… in the Yorktown Campaign, 1781 // Pennsylvania Archives. 2d Ser. 15. Harrisburg, 1890. P. 748.
Ibid. P. 749; о приказе Рошамбо см.: Journal of von Closen. P. 146.
Journal of von Closen. P. 143–146; Diary of General David Cobb // MHS, Procs. 19. Boston, 1882. P. 68–69; Denny E. Military Journal. Philadelphia, 1859. P. 41; Memoir of Lieut. Col. Tench Tilghman. Albany, 1876. P. 104; GW Writings. XXIII. P. 210; St. George Tucker’s Journal of the Siege of Yorktown, 1781 // WMQ. 3d Ser. 5. 1948. P. 384.