Книга: Взломай код общения. Как говорить убедительно, заключать выгодные сделки и влиять на людей
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Bruckert L. et al. Vocal Attractiveness Increases by Averaging // Current Biology. 2010. January. Vol. 20. No. 2. Pp. 116–120 // .


Van Zant A. B., Berger J. How the Voice Persuades // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2020. April. Vol. 118. No. 4. Pp. 661–682 // .


Hosie R. Study Reveals the Most Annoying Filler Words British People Use // Independent, September 26, 2018 // .


University of Gothenburg. Pauses Can Make or Break a Conversation // PsyPost, September 30, 2015 // .


Brown University. Whether Our Speech Is Fast or Slow, We Say about the Same // PsyPost, January 17, 2017 // .


Khuwaileh A. A. The Role of Chunks, Phrases and Body Language in Understanding Co-Ordinated Academic Lectures // System. 1999. Vol. 27. No. 2. Pp. 249–260 // .
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