Книга: Власть роботов: Как подготовиться к неизбежному
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Глава 1. Подрывное изменение близко

. Ewen Callaway, “‘It will change everything’: DeepMind’s AI makes gigantic leap in solving protein structures,” Nature, November 30, 2020, .

. Andrew Senior, Demis Hassabis, John Jumper and Pushmeet Kohli, “AlphaFold: Using AI for scientific discovery,” DeepMind Research Blog, January 15, 2020, .

. Ian Sample, “Google’s DeepMind predicts 3D shapes of proteins,” The Guardian, December 2, 2018, .

. Lyxor Robotics и AI UCITS ETF, тикер ROAI.

. См., например: Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, “The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?,” Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, Working Paper, September 17, 2013, , p. 38.

. Matt McFarland, “Elon Musk: ‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon,’” Washington Post, October 24, 2014, .

. Anand S. Rao and Gerard Verweij, “Sizing the prize: What’s the real value of AI for your business and how can you capitalise?,” PwC, October 2018, .

Глава 2. ИИ как новое электричество

. “Neuromorphic computing,” Intel Corporation, accessed May 3, 2020, .

. Sara Castellanos, “Intel to release neuromorphic-computing system,” Wall Street Journal, March 18, 2020, .

. Linda Hardesty, “WikiLeaks publishes the location of Amazon’s data centers,” SDXCentral, October 12, 2018, .

. “RightScale 2019 State of the Cloud Report from Flexera,” Flexera, 2019, , p. 2.

. Pierr Johnson, “With the public clouds of Amazon, Microsoft and Google, big data is the proverbial big deal,” Forbes, June 15, 2017, .

. Richard Evans and Jim Gao, “DeepMind AI reduces Google data centre cooling bill by 40%,” DeepMind Research Blog, July 20, 2016, .

. Urs Hölzle, “Data centers are more energy efficient than ever,” Google Blog, February 27, 2020, .

. Ron Miller, “AWS revenue growth slips a bit, but remains Amazon’s golden goose,” TechCrunch, July 25, 2019, .

. John Bonazzo, “Google exits Pentagon ‘JEDI’ project after employee protests,” Observer, October 10, 2018, .

. Annie Palmer, “Judge temporarily blocks Microsoft Pentagon cloud contract after Amazon suit,” CNBC, February 13, 2020, .

. Lauren Feiner, “DoD asks judge to let it reconsider decision to give Microsoft $10 billion contract over Amazon,” CNBC, March 13, 2020, .

. “TensorFlow on AWS,” Amazon Web Services, accessed May 4, 2020, .

. Kyle Wiggers, “Intel debuts Pohoiki Springs, a powerful neuromorphic research system for AI workloads,” VentureBeat, March 18, 2020, venture .

. Jeremy Kahn, “Inside big tech’s quest for human-level A.I.,” Fortune, January 20, 2020, .

. Martin Ford, Interview with Fei-Fei Li, in Architects of Intelligence: The Truth about AI from the People Building It, Packt Publishing, 2018, p. 150.

. “Deep Learning on AWS,” Amazon Web Services, accessed May 4, 2020, .

. Kyle Wiggers, “MIT researchers: Amazon’s Rekognition shows gender and ethnic bias,” VentureBeat, January 24, 2019, .

. “New schemes teach the masses to build AI,” The Economist, October 27, 2018, .

. Chris Hoffman, “What is 5G, and how fast will it be?,” How-to Geek, January 3, 2020, .

Глава 3. Отделяем хайп: реалистичный взгляд на искусственный интеллект как на общедоступный ресурс

. Tesla, “Tesla Autonomy Day (video),” YouTube, April 22, 2019, .

. Sean Szymkowski, “Tesla’s full self-driving mode under the watchful eye of NHTSA,” Road Show, October 22, 2020, .

. Rob Csongor, “Tesla raises the bar for self-driving carmakers,” NVIDIA Blog, April 23, 2019, .

. Jeffrey Van Camp, “My Jibo is dying and it’s breaking my heart,” Wired, March 9, 2019, .

. Mark Gurman and Brad Stone, “Amazon is said to be working on another big bet: Home robots,” Bloomberg, April 23, 2018, .

. Martin Ford, Interview with Rodney Brooks, in Architects of Intelligence: The Truth about AI from the People Building It, Packt Publishing, 2018, p. 432.

. “Solving Rubik’s Cube with a robot hand,” OpenAI, October 15, 2019, . (Includes videos).

. Will Knight, “Why solving a Rubik’s Cube does not signal robot supremacy,” Wired, October 16, 2019, .

. Noam Scheiber, “Inside an Amazon warehouse, robots’ ways rub off on humans,” New York Times, July 3, 2019, .

. Eugene Kim, “Amazon’s $775 million deal for robotics company Kiva is starting to look really smart,” Business Insider, June 15, 2016, .

. Will Evans, “Ruthless quotas at Amazon are maiming employees,” The Atlantic, November 25, 2019, .

. Jason Del Ray, “How robots are transforming Amazon warehouse jobs — for better and worse,” Recode, December 11, 2019, .

. Michael Sainato, “‘I’m not a robot’: Amazon workers condemn unsafe, grueling conditions at warehouse,” The Guardian, February 5, 2020, .

. Jeffrey Dastin, “Exclusive: Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace jobs,” Reuters, May 13, 2019, .

. Matt Simon, “Inside the Amazon warehouse where humans and machines become one,” Wired, June 5, 2019, .

. James Vincent, “Amazon’s latest robot champion uses deep learning to stock shelves,” The Verge, July 5, 2016, .

. Jeffrey Dastin, “Amazon’s Bezos says robotic hands will be ready for commercial use in next 10 years,” Reuters, June 6, 2019, .

. Tech Insider, “Inside a warehouse where thousands of robots pack groceries (video),” YouTube, May 9, 2018, .

. James Vincent, “Welcome to the automated warehouse of the future,” The Verge, May 8, 2018, .

. Там же.

. “ABB and Covariant partner to deploy integrated AI robotic solutions,” ABB Press Release, February 25, 2020, .

. Evan Ackerman, “Covariant uses simple robot and gigantic neural net to automate warehouse picking,” IEEE Spectrum, January 29, 2020, .

. Jonathan Vanian, “Industrial robotics giant teams up with a rising A.I. startup,” Fortune, February 25, 2020, .

. Alexander Lavin, J. Swaroop Guntupalli, Miguel Lázaro-Gredilla, et al., “Explaining visual cortex phenomena using recursive cortical network,” Vicarious Research Paper, July 30, 2018, .

. Tom Simonite, “These industrial robots get more adept with every task,” Wired, March 10, 2020, .

. Adam Satariano and Cade Metz, “A warehouse robot learns to sort out the tricky stuff,” New York Times, January 29, 2020, .

. Matthew Boyle, “Robots in aisle two: Supermarket survival means matching Amazon,” Bloomberg, December 3, 2019, .

. Там же.

. Nathaniel Meyersohn, “Grocery stores turn to robots during the coronavirus,” CNN Business, April 7, 2020, .

. Shoshy Ciment, “Walmart is bringing robots to 650 more stores as the retailer ramps up automation in stores nationwide,” Business Insider, January 13, 2020, .

. Jennifer Smith, “Grocery delivery goes small with micro-fulfillment centers,” Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2020, .

. Nick Wingfield, “Inside Amazon Go, a store of the future,” New York Times, January 21, 2018, .

. Spencer Soper, “Amazon will consider opening up to 3,000 cashierless stores by 2021,” Bloomberg, September 29, 2018, .

. Paul Sawyers, “SoftBank leads $30 million investment in Accel Robotics for AI-enabled cashierless stores,” VentureBeat, December 3, 2019, .

. Jurica Dujmovic, “As coronavirus hits hard, Amazon starts licensing cashier-free technology to retailers,” MarketWatch, March 31, 2020, .

. Eric Rosenbaum, “Panera is losing nearly 100% of its workers every year as fast-food turnover crisis worsens,” CNBC, August 29, 2019, .

. Там же.

. Kate Krader, “The world’s first robot-made burger is about to hit the Bay Area,” Bloomberg, June 21, 2018, .

. John Elflein, “U.S. health care expenditure as a percentage of GDP 1960–2020,” Statista, June 8, 2020, .

. “Healthcare expenditure and financing,” OCED.stat, accessed May 15, 2020, .

. William J. Baumol and William G. Bowen, Performing Arts, The Economic Dilemma: A Study of Problems Common to Theater, Opera, Music and Dance, MIT Press, 1966.

. Michael Maiello, “Diagnosing William Baumol’s cost disease,” Chicago Booth Review, May 18, 2017, .

. “7 healthcare robots for the smart hospital of the future,” Nanalyze, April 6, 2020, .

. Daphne Sashin, “Robots join workforce at the new Stanford Hospital,” Stanford Medicine News, November 4, 2019, .

. Diego Ardila, Atilla P. Kiraly, Sujeeth Bharadwaj et al., “End-to-end lung cancer screening with three-dimensional deep learning on low-dose chest computed tomography,” Nature Medicine, volume 25, pp. 954–961 (2019), May 20, 2019, .

. Karen Hao, “Doctors are using AI to triage COVID-19 patients. The tools may be here to stay,” MIT Technology Review, April 23, 2020, .

. Creative Distribution Lab, “Geoffrey Hinton: On radiology (video),” YouTube, November 24, 2016, . (Фрагмент конференции 2016 года «Машинное обучение и рынок интеллекта».)

. Alex Bratt, “Why radiologists have nothing to fear from deep learning,” Journal of the American College of Radiology, volume 16, issue 9, Part A, pp. 1190–1192 (September 2019), April 18, 2019, .

. Ray Sipherd, “The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about,” CNBC, February 22, 2018, .

. Elise Reuter, “Study shows reduction in medication errors using health IT startup’s software,” MedCity News, December 24, 2019, .

. Adam Vaughan, “Google is taking over DeepMind’s NHS contracts — should we be worried?,” New Scientist, September 27, 2019, .

. Clive Thompson, “May A.I. help you?,” New York Times, November 14, 2018, .

. Blair Hanley Frank, “Woebot raises $8 million for its AI therapist,” VentureBeat, March 1, 2018, .

. Ariana Eunjung Cha, “Watson’s next feat? Taking on cancer,” Washington Post, June 27, 2015, .

. Mary Chris Jaklevic, “MD Anderson Cancer Center’s IBM Watson project fails, and so did the journalism related to it,” Health News Review, February 23, 2017, .

. Mark Anderson, “Surprise! 2020 is not the year for self-driving cars,” IEEE Spectrum, April 22, 2020, .

. Alex Knapp, “Aurora CEO Chris Urmson says there’ll be hundreds of self-driving cars on the road in five years,” Forbes, October 29, 2019, .

. Lex Fridman, “Chris Urmson: Self-driving cars at Aurora, Google, CMU, and DARPA,” Artificial Intelligence Podcast, episode 28, July 22, 2019, . (Есть видео и аудиоподкаст.)

. Stefan Seltz-Axmacher, “The end of Starsky Robotics,” Starsky Robotics 10-4 Labs Blog, March 19, 2020, .

. Sam Dean, “Uber fares are cheap, thanks to venture capital. But is that free ride ending?,” Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2019, .

. Darrell Etherington, “Waymo has now driven 10 billion autonomous miles in simulation,” TechCrunch, July 10, 2019, .

. Waymo website, accessed May 20, 2020, .

. Ray Kurzweil, “The Law of Accelerating Returns,” Kurzweil Library Blog, March 7, 2001, .

. Tyler Cowen, The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All the Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History, Got Sick, and Will (Eventually) Feel Better, Dutton, 2011.

. Robert J. Gordon, The Rise and Fall of American Growth: The U.S. Standard of Living Since the Civil War, Princeton University Press, 2016.

. Nicholas Bloom, Charles I. Jones, John Van Reenen and Michael Webb, “Are ideas getting harder to find?” American Economic Review, volume 110, issue 4, pp. 1104–1144 (April 2020), , p. 1138.

. Там же, с. 1104.

. Там же, с. 1104.

. Sam Lemonick, “Exploring chemical space: Can AI take us where no human has gone before?,” Chemical and Engineering News, April 6, 2020, .

. Там же.

. Delft University of Technology, “Researchers design new material using artificial intelligence,” Phys.org, October 14, 2019, .

. Beatrice Jin, “How AI helps to advance new materials discovery,” Cornell Research, accessed May 22, 2020, .

. Savanna Hoover, “Artificial intelligence meets materials science,” Texas A&M University Engineering News, December 17, 2018, .

. Kyle Wiggers, “Kebotix raises $11.5 million to automate lab experiments with AI and robotics,” VentureBeat, April 16, 2020, .

. Simon Smith, “230 startups using artificial intelligence in drug discovery,” BenchSci Blog, updated April 8, 2020, .

. Ford, Interview with Daphne Koller, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 388.

. Ned Pagliarulo, “AI’s impact in drug discovery is coming fast, predicts GSK’s Hal Barron,” BioPharma Dive, November 21, 2019, .

. Anne Trafton, “Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic,” MIT News, February 20, 2020, .

. Richard Staines, “Exscientia claims world first as AI-created drug enters clinic,” Pharmaphorum, January 30, 2020, .

. Matt Reynolds, “DeepMind’s AI is getting closer to its first big realworld application,” Wired, January 15, 2020, .

. Semantic Scholar website, accessed May 25, 2020, .

. Там же.

. Khari Johnson, “Microsoft, White House, and Allen Institute release coronavirus data set for medical and NLP researchers,” VentureBeat, March 16, 2020, .

. “CORD-19: COVID-19 Open Research Dataset,” Semantic Scholar, accessed May 6, 2020, .

Глава 4. В поисках путей создания интеллектуальных машин

. Samuel Butler, “Darwin among the machines, a letter to the editors,” The Press, Christchurch, New Zealand, June 13, 1863.

. Alan Turing, “Computing machinery and intelligence,” Mind, volume LIX, issue 236, pp. 433–460 (October 1950).

. J. McCarthy, M. L. Minsky, N. Rochester and C. E. Shannon, “A proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence,” August 31, 1955, .

. Brad Darrach, “Meet Shaky, the first electronic person: The fascinating and fearsome reality of a machine with a mind of its own,” LIFE, November 20, 1970, p. 58D.

. Там же.

. Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts, “A logical calculus of ideas immanent in nervous activity,” Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, volume 5, issue 4, pp. 115–133 (December 1943).

. Martin Ford, Interview with Ray Kurzweil, in Architects of Intelligence: The Truth about AI from the People Building It, Packt Publishing, 2018, p. 228.

. Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert, Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry, MIT Press, 1969.

. Ford, Interview with Yann LeCun, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 122.

. David E. Rumelhart, Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams, “Learning representations by back-propagating errors,” Nature, volume 323, issue 6088, pp. 533–536 (1986), October 9, 1986, .

. Ford, Interview with Geoffrey Hinton, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 73.

. Dave Gershgorn, “The data that transformed AI research — and possibly the world,” Quartz, July 26, 2017, .

. Ford, Interview with Geoffrey Hinton, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 77.

. Электронное письмо Юргена Шмидхубера Мартину Форду, 28 января 2019 года.

. Jürgen Schmidhuber, “Critique of paper by ‘Deep Learning Conspiracy’ (Nature 521 p 436),” June 2015, .

. John Markoff, “When A.I. matures, it may call Jürgen Schmidhuber ‘Dad,’” New York Times, November 27, 2016, .

. Robert Triggs, “What being an ‘AI first’ company means for Google,” Android Authority, November 8, 2017, .

. Cade Metz, “Why A.I. researchers at Google got desks next to the boss,” New York Times, February 19, 2018, .

Глава 5. Глубокое обучение и будущее искусственного интеллекта

. Martin Ford, Interview with Geoffrey Hinton, in Architects of Intelligence: The Truth about AI from the People Building It, Packt Publishing, 2018, pp. 72–73.

. Matt Reynolds, “New computer vision challenge wants to teach robots to see in 3D,” New Scientist, April 7, 2017, .

. Ashlee Vance, “Silicon Valley’s latest unicorn is run by a 22-year-old,” Bloomberg Businessweek, August 5, 2019, .

. Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver et al. “Playing Atari with deep reinforcement learning,” DeepMind Research, January 1, 2013, .

. Volodymyr Mnih, Koray Kavukcuoglu, David Silver et al., “Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning,” Nature, volume 518, pp. 529– 533 (2015), February 25, 2015, .

. Tu Yuanyuan, “The game of Go: Ancient wisdom,” Confucius Institute Magazine, volume 17, pp. 46–51 (November 2011), .

. David Silver and Demis Hassabis, “AlphaGo: Mastering the ancient game of Go with machine learning,” Google AI Blog, January 27, 2016, .

. Matt Schiavenza, “China’s ‘Sputnik Moment’ and the Sino-American battle for AI supremacy,” Asia Society Blog, September 25, 2018, .

. John Markoff, “Scientists see promise in deep-learning programs,” New York Times, November 23, 2012, .

. Dario Amodei and Danny Hernandez, “AI and Compute,” OpenAI Blog, May 16, 2018, .

. Will Knight, “Facebook’s head of AI says the field will soon ‘hit the wall,’” Wired, December 4, 2019, .

. Kim Martineau, “Shrinking deep learning’s carbon footprint,” MIT News, August 7, 2020, .

. “General game playing with schema networks,” Vicarious Research, August 7, 2017, .

. Sam Shead, “Researchers: Are we on the cusp of an ‘AI winter’?,” BBC News, January 12, 2020, .

. Filip Piekniewski, “AI winter is well on its way,” Piekniewski’s Blog, May 28, 2018, .

. Ford, Interview with Jeffery Dean, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 377.

. Ford, Interview with Demis Hassabis, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 171.

. Andrea Banino, Caswell Barry, Dharshan Kumaran and Benigno Uria, “Navigating with grid-like representations in artificial agents,” DeepMind Research Blog, May 9, 2018, .

. Ford, Interview with Demis Hassabis, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 173.

. Andrea Banino, Caswell Barry, Benigno Uria et al., “Vector-based navigation using grid-like representations in artificial agents,” Nature, volume 557, pp. 429–433 (2018), May 9, 2018, .

. Will Dabney and Zeb Kurth-Nelson, “Dopamine and temporal difference learning: A fruitful relationship between neuroscience and AI,” DeepMind Research Blog, January 15, 2020, .

. Tony Peng, “Yann LeCun Cake Analogy 2.0,” Synced Review, February 22, 2019, .

. Ford, Interview with Demis Hassabis, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 172–173.

. Jeremy Kahn, “A.I. breakthroughs in natural-language processing are big for business,” Fortune, January 20, 2020, .

. Ford, Interview with David Ferrucci, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 409.

. Там же, с. 414.

. Do You Trust This Computer?, released April 5, 2018, Papercut Films, .

. Ford, Interview with David Ferrucci, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 414.

. Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, Penguin Books, 2005.

. Ray Kurzweil, How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed, Penguin Books, 2012.

. Ford, Interview with Ray Kurzweil, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 230–231.

. Mitch Kapor and Ray Kurzweil, “A wager on the Turing test: The rules,” Kurzweil AI Blog, April 9, 2002, .

. Sean Levinson, “A Google executive is taking 100 pills a day so he can live forever,” Elite Daily, April 15, 2015, .

. Ford, Interview with Ray Kurzweil, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 240–241.

. Там же, с. 230.

. Там же, с. 233.

. Alec Radford, Jeffrey Wu, Dario Amodei et al., “Better language models and their implications,” OpenAI Blog, February 14, 2019, .

. James Vincent, “OpenAI’s latest breakthrough is astonishingly powerful, but still fighting its flaws,” The Verge, July 30, 2020, .

. Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis, “GPT-3, Bloviator: OpenAI’s language generator has no idea what it’s talking about,” MIT Technology Review, August 22, 2020, .

. Ford, Interview with Stuart Russell, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 53.

. “OpenAI Founder: Short-Term AGI Is a Serious Possibility,” Synced, November 13, 2018, .

. Connie Loizos, “Sam Altman in conversation with StrictlyVC (video),” YouTube, May 18, 2019, , location 39:00.

. Luke Dormehl, “Neuro-symbolic A.I. is the future of artificial intelligence. Here’s how it works,” Digital Trends, January 5, 2020, .

. Ford, Interview with Yoshua Bengio, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 22.

. Ford, Interview with Geoffrey Hinton, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 84–85.

. Ford, Interview with Yann LeCun, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 123.

. Anthony M. Zador, “A critique of pure learning and what artificial neural networks can learn from animal brains,” Nature Communications, volume 10, article number 3770 (2019), August 21, 2019, .

. Zoey Chong, “AI beats humans in Stanford reading comprehension test,” CNET, January 16, 2018, .

. Все примеры схемы Винограда взяты из: Ernest Davis, “A collection of Winograd schemas,” New York University Department of Computer Science, September 8, 2011, .

. Ford, Interview with Oren Etzioni, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 495–496.

. Там же.

. Ford, Interview with Yoshua Bengio, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 21.

. Ford, Interview with Yann LeCun, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 126–127.

. Там же, с. 130.

. Ford, Interview with Judea Pearl, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 364.

. Ford, Interview with Joshua Tenenbaum, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 471–472.

. Ford, Interview with Judea Pearl, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 366.

. Will Knight, “An AI pioneer wants his algorithms to understand the ‘why,’” Wired, October 8, 2019, .

. Graham Allison, Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017.

. The AlphaStar team, “AlphaStar: Mastering the real-time strategy game StarCraft II,” DeepMind Research Blog, January 24, 2019, .

. Ford, Interview with Oren Etzioni, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 494.

. Ford, Architects of Intelligence, p. 528.

. “AI timeline surveys,” AI Impacts, accessed June 27, 2020, .

Глава 6. Ликвидация рабочих мест и экономические последствия внедрения ИИ

. David Axelrod, “Larry Summers,” The Axe Files (podcast), episode 98, November 21, 2016, .

. Sam Fleming and Brooke Fox, “US states that voted for Trump most vulnerable to job automation,” Financial Times, January 23, 2019, .

. Carol Graham, “Understanding the role of despair in America’s opioid crisis,” Brookings Institution, October 15, 2019, .

. См., например: Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, “The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”, Oxford Martin School Programme on Technology and Employment, Working Paper, September 17, 2013, , p. 38.

. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Unemployment rate (UNRATE),” retrieved from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 18, 2020, fred.stlouisfed.org/series/UNRATE; Greg Rosalsky, “Are we even close to full employment?,” NPR Planet Money, July 2, 2019, .

. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, “Activity rate: Aged 25–54: Males for the United States (LRAC25MAUSM156S),” retrieved from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 17, 2020, .

. “Trends in Social Security Disability Insurance,” Social Security Office of Retirement and Disability Policy, Briefing Paper No. 2019-01, August 2019, .

. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Labor force participation rate (CIVPART),” retrieved from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 17, 2020, .

. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Business sector: Real output per hour of all persons (OPHPBS),” retrieved from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 22, 2020, ; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Business sector: Real compensation per hour (PRS84006151),” retrieved from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 22, 2020, .

. World Bank, “GINI index for the United States (SIPOVGINIUSA),” retrieved from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 20, 2020, .

. Martha Ross and Nicole Bateman, “Low-wage work is more pervasive than you think, and there aren’t enough ‘good jobs’ to go around,” Brookings Institution, November 21, 2019, .

. “The U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI),” accessed July 15, 2020, .

. Gwynn Guilford, “The great American labor paradox: Plentiful jobs, most of them bad,” Quartz, November 21, 2019, .

. Elizabeth Redden, “41% of recent grads work in jobs not requiring a degree,” Inside Higher Ed, February 18, 2020, .

. “The Phillips curve may be broken for good,” The Economist, November 1, 2017, .

. Jeff Jeffrey, “U.S. companies are rolling in cash, and they’re growing increasingly fearful to spend it,” The Business Journals, December 12, 2018, .

. Martin Ford, Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future, Basic Books, 2015, pp. 206–21.

. Martin Ford, Interview with James Manyika, in Architects of Intelligence: The Truth about AI from the People Building It, Packt Publishing, 2018, pp. 285–286.

. Nir Jaimovich and Henry E. Siu, “Job polarization and jobless recoveries,” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 18334, issued in August 2012, revised in November 2018, .

. Jacob Bunge and Jesse Newman, “Tyson turns to robot butchers, spurred by coronavirus outbreaks,” Wall Street Journal, July 9, 2020, .

. Miso Robotics, “White Castle selects Miso Robotics for a new era of artificial intelligence in the fast-food industry,” Press Release Newswire, July 14, 2020, .

. James Manyika, Susan Lund, Michael Chui, et al., “Jobs lost, jobs gained: What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages,” McKinsey Global Institute, November 28, 2017, .

. Ferris Jabr, “Cache cab: Taxi drivers’ brains grow to navigate London’s streets,” Scientific American, December 8, 2011, .

. Kate Conger, “Facebook starts planning for permanent remote workers,” New York Times, May 21, 2020, .

. Alexandre Tanzi, “Gloom grips U.S. small businesses, with 52% predicting failure,” Bloomberg, May 6, 2020, .

. Alfred Liu, “Robots to cut 200,000 U.S. bank jobs in next decade, study says,” Bloomberg, October 1, 2019, .

. Jack Kelly, “Artificial intelligence is superseding well-paying Wall Street jobs,” Forbes, December 10, 2019, .

. “Top healthcare chatbots startups,” Tracxn, October 20, 2020, .

. Celeste Barnaby, Satish Chandra and Frank Luan, “Aroma: Using machine learning for code recommendation,” Facebook AI Blog, April 4, 2019, .

. Will Douglas Heaven, “OpenAI’s new language generator GPT-3 is shockingly good — and completely mindless,” MIT Technology Review, July 20, 2020, .

. Jacques Bughin, Jeongmin Seong, James Manyika, et al., “Notes from the AI frontier: Modeling the impact of AI on the world economy,” McKinsey Global Institute, Discussion Paper, September 2018, .

. Anand S. Rao and Gerard Verweij, “Sizing the prize: What’s the real value of AI for your business and how can you capitalise?,” PwC, October 2018, .

. Bughin et al., “Notes from the AI frontier: Modeling the impact of AI on the world economy,” p. 3.

Глава 7. Китай и появление государства тотального ИИ-надзора

. Chris Buckley, Paul Mozur and Austin Ramzy, “How China turned a city into a prison,” New York Times, April 4, 2019, .

. James Vincent, “Chinese netizens spot AI books on president Xi Jinping’s bookshelf,” The Verge, January 3, 2018, .

. Tom Simonite, “China is catching up to the US in AI research — fast,” Wired, March 13, 2019, .

. Robust Vision Challenge website, accessed July 25, 2020, .

. National University of Defense Technology website, accessed July 25, 2020, .

. Nicolas Thompson and Ian Bremmer, “The AI Cold War that threatens us all,” Wired, October 23, 2018, .

. Alex Hern, “China censored Google’s AlphaGo match against world’s best Go player,” The Guardian, May 24, 2017, .

. China’s State Council, “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan,” issued by China’s State Council on July 20, 2017, translated by Graham Webster, Rogier Creemers, Paul Triolo and Elsa Kania, New America Foundation, August 1, 2017, . (Оригинал документа на китайском языке: .)

. Lai Lin Thomala, “Number of internet users in China 2008–2020,” Statista, April 30, 2020, .

. Lai Lin Thomala, “Penetration rate of internet users in China 2008–2020,” Statista, April 30, 2020, .

. Rachel Metz, “Baidu could beat Google in self-driving cars with a totally Google move,” MIT Technology Review, January 8, 2018, .

. Jon Russell, “Former Microsoft executive and noted AI expert Qi Lu joins Baidu as COO,” TechCrunch, January 17, 2017, .

. Martin Ford, Interview with Demis Hassabis, in Architects of Intelligence: The Truth about AI from the People Building It, Packt Publishing, 2018, p. 179.

. Field Cady and Oren Etzioni, “China may overtake US in AI research,” Allen Institute for AI Blog, March 13, 2019, .

. Jeffrey Ding, “Deciphering China’s AI dream: The context, components, capabilities, and consequences of China’s strategy to lead the world in AI,” Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford, March 2018, .

. Jeffrey Ding, “China’s current capabilities, policies, and industrial ecosystem in AI: Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Hearing on Technology, Trade, and Military-Civil Fusion: China’s Pursuit of Artificial Intelligence, New Materials, and New Energy,” June 7, 2019, .

. Kai-Fu Lee, “What China can teach the U.S. about artificial intelligence,” New York Times, September 22, 2018, .

. Kathrin Hille and Richard Waters, “Washington unnerved by China’s ‘military-civil fusion,’” Financial Times, November 7, 2018, .

. Scott Shane and Daisuke Wakabayashi, “‘The Business of War’: Google employees protest work for the Pentagon,” New York Times, April 4, 2018, .

. Tom Simonite, “Behind the rise of China’s facial-recognition giants,” Wired, September 3, 2019, .

. Paul Mozur and Aaron Krolik, “A surveillance net blankets China’s cities, giving police vast powers,” New York Times, December 17, 2019, .

. Amy B. Wang, “A suspect tried to blend in with 60,000 concertgoers. China’s facial-recognition cameras caught him,” Washington Post, April 13, 2018, .

. Paul Mozur, “Inside China’s dystopian dreams: A.I., shame and lots of cameras,” New York Times, July 8, 2018, .

. Paul Moser, “One month, 500,000 face scans: How China is using A.I. to profile a minority,” New York Times, April 14, 2019, .

. Там же.

. Simina Mistreanu, “Life inside China’s social credit laboratory,” Foreign Policy, April 3, 2018, .

. Echo Huang, “Garbage-sorting violators in China now risk being punished with a junk credit rating,” Quartz, January 8, 2018, .

. Maya Wang, “China’s chilling ‘social credit’ blacklist,” Human Rights Watch, December 12, 2017, .

. Nicole Kobie, “The complicated truth about China’s social credit system,” Wired, June 7, 2019, .

. Steven Feldstein, “The global expansion of AI surveillance,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, September 17, 2019, .

. Yuan Yang and Madhumita Murgia, “Facial recognition: How China cornered the surveillance market,” Financial Times, December 6, 2019, .

. Russell Brandon, “The case against Huawei, explained,” The Verge, May 22, 2019, .

. Will Knight, “Trump’s latest salvo against China targets AI firms,” Wired, October 9, 2019, .

. Kashmir Hill, “The secretive company that might end privacy as we know it,” New York Times, January 18, 2020, .

. Там же.

. Там же.

. Ryan Mac, Caroline Haskins and Logan McDonald, “Clearview’s facial recognition app has been used by the Justice Department, ICE, Macy’s, Walmart, and the NBA,” BuzzFeed News, February 27, 2020, .

. Alfred Ng and Steven Musil, “Clearview AI hit with cease-and-desist from Google, Facebook over facial recognition collection,” CNET, February 5, 2020, .

. Zack Whittaker, “Apple has blocked Clearview AI’s iPhone app for violating its rules,” TechCrunch, February 28, 2020, .

. Nick Statt, “ACLU sues facial recognition firm Clearview AI, calling it a ‘nightmare scenario’ for privacy,” The Verge, May 28, 2020, .

. Paul Bischoff, “Surveillance camera statistics: Which cities have the most CCTV cameras?,” Comparitech, August 1, 2019, .

. “Met Police to deploy facial recognition cameras,” BBC, January 30, 2020, .

. Clare Garvie, Alvaro Bedoya and Jonathan Frankle, “The perpetual line-up: Unregulated police face recognition in America,” Georgetown Law Center on Privacy and Technology, October 18, 2016, .

. “Met Police to deploy facial recognition cameras.”

. London Real, “Jonathan Haidt — Free range kids: How to give your children more freedom (video),” October 27, 2018, .

. Isabella Garcia, “Can facial recognition overcome its racial bias?,” Yes! Magazine, April 16, 2020, .

. Sasha Ingber, “Facial recognition software wrongly identifies 28 lawmakers as crime suspects,” NPR, July 26, 2018, .

. Patrick Grother, Mei Ngan and Kayee Hanaoka, “Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) Part 3: Demographic effects,” National Institute of Standards and Technology, December 2019, .

. Garcia, “Can facial recognition overcome its racial bias?”

. Amy Hawkins, “Beijing’s big brother tech needs African faces,” Foreign Policy, July 24, 2018, .

Глава 8. Риски, сопутствующие ИИ

. “Fake voices ‘help cyber-crooks steal cash,’” BBC News, July 8, 2019, .

. Martin Giles, “The GANfather: The man who’s given machines the gift of imagination,” MIT Technology Review, February 21, 2018, .

. James Vincent, “Watch Jordan Peele use AI to make Barack Obama deliver a PSA about fake news,” The Verge, April 17, 2018, .

. Sensity, “The state of deepfakes 2019: Landscape, threats, and impact,” September 2019, .

. Ian Sample, “What are deepfakes — and how can you spot them?,” The Guardian, January 13, 2020, .

. Lex Fridman, “Ian Goodfellow: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs),” Artificial Intelligence Podcast, episode 19, April 18, 2019, . (Есть видео и аудио-подкаст.)

. J.J. McCorvey, “This image-authentication startup is combating faux social media accounts, doctored photos, deep fakes, and more,” Fast Company, February 19, 2019, .

. Ian Goodfellow, Nicolas Papernot, Sandy Huang, et al., “Attacking machine learning with adversarial examples,” OpenAI Blog, February 24, 2017, .

. Anant Jain, “Breaking neural networks with adversarial attacks,” Towards Data Science, February 9, 2019, .

. Там же.

. Slaughterbots, released November 12, 2017, Space Digital, .

. Stuart Russell, “Building a lethal autonomous weapon is easier than building a self-driving car. A new treaty is necessary,” The Security Times, February 2018, .

. Martin Ford, Interview with Stuart Russell, in Architects of Intelligence: The Truth about AI from the People Building It, Packt Publishing, 2018, p. 59.

. “Country views on killer robots,” Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, August 21, 2019, .

. “Russia, United States attempt to legitimize killer robots,” Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, August 22, 2019, .

. Zachary Kallenborn, “Swarms of mass destruction: The case for declaring armed and fully autonomous drone swarms as WMD,” Modern War Institute, May 28, 2020, .

. Kris Osborn, “Here come the Army’s new class of 10-ton robots,” National Interest, May 21, 2020, .

. Rachel England, “The US Air Force is preparing a human versus AI dogfight,” Engadget, June 8, 2020, .

. Kris Osborn, “Robot vs. robot war? Now China has semi-autonomous fighting ground robots,” National Interest, June 15, 2020, .

. Neil Johnson, Guannan Zhao, Eric Hunsader, et al., “Abrupt rise of new machine ecology beyond human response time,” Nature Scientific Reports, volume 3, article number 2627 (2013), September 11, 2013, .

. Ford, Interview with Stuart Russell, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 59.

. Jeffrey Dastin, “Amazon scraps secret AI recruiting tool that showed bias against women,” Reuters, October 10, 2018, .

. Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu and Lauren Kirchner, “Machine bias,” Propublica, May 23, 2016, .

. Там же.

. Ford, Interview with James Manyika, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 279.

. Ford, Interview with Fei-Fei Li, in Architects of Intelligence, p. 157.

. Stephen Hawking, Stuart Russell, Max Tegmark and Frank Wilczek, “Stephen Hawking: ‘Transcendence looks at the implications of artificial intelligence — but are we taking AI seriously enough?,’” The Independent, May 1, 2014, .

. Nick Bostrom, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Oxford University Press, 2014, p. vii.

. Matt McFarland, “Elon Musk: ‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon,’” Washington Post, October 24, 2014, .

. Sam Harris, “Can we build AI without losing control over it? (video),” TED Talk, June 2016, .

. Irving John Good, “Speculations concerning the first ultraintelligent machine,” Advanced in Computers, volume 6, pp. 31–88 (1965), .

. Jesselyn Cook, “Hundreds of people share stories about falling down YouTube’s recommendation rabbit hole,” Huffington Post, October 15, 2019, .

. Stuart Russell, Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control, Viking, 2019, pp. 173–177.

. Stuart Russell, “How to stop superhuman A.I. before it stops us,” New York Times, October 8, 2019, .

. Ford, Interview with Rodney Brooks, in Architects of Intelligence, pp. 440–441.

Заключение. ИИ: два варианта будущего

. Rebecca Heilweil, “Big tech companies back away from selling facial recognition to police,” Recode, June 11, 2020, .

. Joseph Zeballos-Roig, “Kamala Harris supports $2,000 monthly stimulus checks to help Americans claw out of pandemic ruin — and she’s long backed plans for Democrats to give people more money,” Business Insider, August 15, 2020, .

. Bob Berwyn, “What does ‘12 years to act on climate change’ (now 11 years) really mean?,” Inside Climate News, August 27, 2019, .

. Bill Gates, “COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse,” Gates Notes, August 4, 2020, .

. Bill Gates, “Climate change and the 75% problem,” Gates Notes, October 17, 2018, .

. Nicholas Bloom, Charles I. Jones, John Van Reenen and Michael Webb, “Are ideas getting harder to find?,” American Economic Review, volume 110, issue 4, pp. 1104–1144 (April 2020), , p. 1138.

. Mark Aguiar, Mark Bils, Kerwin Kofi Charles and Erik Hurst, “Leisure luxuries and the labor supply of young men,” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 23552, June 2017, .

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