Книга: Планета вирусов
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Bos, L. 1999. Beijerinck's work on tobacco mosaic virus: Historical context and legacy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 354:675.

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Willner D., M. Furlan, M. Haynes, et al. 2009. Metagenomic analysis of respiratory tract DNA viral communities in cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis individuals. PLoS ONE 4 (10):e7370.

(Не)обычная простуда

Bartlett, N., P. Wark, and D. Knight, eds. 2019. Rhinovirus infections: Rethinking the impact on human health and disease. London: Elsevier.

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Взирая на Землю со звезд

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Рогатые кролики

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Weiss, R. A. 2016. Tumour-inducing viruses. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 77:565–68.

Враг нашего врага

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Инфицированный океан

Breitbart, M., C. Bonnain, K. Malki, and N. A. Sawaya. 2018. Phage puppet masters of the marine microbial realm. Nature Microbiology 3:754–66.

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Koonin, E. V., V. V. Dolja, M. Krupovic, et al. 2020. Global organization and proposed megataxonomy of the virus world. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 84(2).

Zhang, Y. Z., Y. M. Chen, W. Wang, X. C. Qin, and E. C. Holmes. 2019. Expanding the RNA virosphere by unbiased metagenomics. Annual Review of Virology 6:119–39.

Наши внутренние паразиты

Chuong E. B. 2018. The placenta goes viral: Retroviruses control gene expression in pregnancy. PLoS Biology 16:e3000028.

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Johnson, W. E. 2019. Origins and evolutionary consequences of ancient endogenous retroviruses. Nature Reviews Microbiology 17:355–70.

Weiss, R. A. 2006. The discovery of endogenous retroviruses. Retrovirology 3:67.

Новый бич

Bell, S. M., and T. Bedford. 2017. Modern-day SIV viral diversity generated by extensive recombination and cross-species transmission. PLoS Pathogens 13:e1006466.

Burton, D. R. 2019. Advancing an HIV vaccine; advancing vaccinology. Nature Reviews Immunology 19:77–78.

Faria, N. R., A. Rambaut, M. A. Suchard, et al. 2014. The early spread and epidemic ignition of HIV-1 in human populations. Science 346:56–61.

Gilbert, M. T. P., A. Rambaut, G. Wlasiuk, T. J. Spira, A. E. Pitchenik, and M. Worobey. 2007. The emergence of HIV/AIDS in the Americas and beyond. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:18566.

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Sauter, D., and F. Kirchhoff. 2019. Key viral adaptations preceding the AIDS pandemic. Cell Host & Microbe 25:27–38.

Стать американцем

Hadfield, J., A. F. Brito, D. M. Swetnam, et al. 2019. Twenty years of West Nile virus spread and evolution in the Americas visualized by Nextstrain. PLoS Pathology 15:e1008042.

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Эпоха пандемии

Holmes, E. C., and A. Rambaut. 2004. Viral evolution and the emergence of SARS coronavirus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 359:1059–65.

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Долгое прощание

Duggan, A. T., M. F. Perdomo, D. Piombino-Mascali, et al. 2016. 17th century variola virus reveals the recent history of smallpox. Current Biology 26:3407–12.

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Инопланетянин из градирни

Berjón-Otero, M., A. Koslová, and M. G. Fischer. 2019. The dual lifestyle of genome-integrating virophages in protists. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1447:97–109.

Colson, P., B. La Scola, A. Levasseur, G. Caetano-Anolles, and D. Raoult. 2017. Mimivirus: Leading the way in the discovery of giant viruses of amoebae. Nature Reviews Microbiology 15:243.

Colson, P., Y. Ominami, A. Hisada, B. La Scola, and D. Raoult. 2019. Giant mimiviruses escape many canonical criteria of the virus definition. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 25:147–54.

Oliveira, G., B. La Scola, and J. Abrahão. 2019. Giant virus vs amoeba: Fight for supremacy. Virology Journal 16:126.

Schulz, F., S. Roux, D. Paez-Espino, S. Jungbluth, et al. 2020. Giant virus diversity and host interactions through global metagenomics. Nature 578:432–36.

Zimmer, C. 2021. Life's edge: The search for what it means to be alive. New York: Dutton. Циммер К. Паразит — царь природы: Тайный мир самых опасных существ на земле. — М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2022.

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