H.Rackham (ed.), Aristotle XX: The Athenian Constitution; The Eudemian Ethics; On Virtues and Vices (Loeb edn, Harvard and London, 1971), 1–181.
A.D.Godley (ed.), Herodotus, with an English Translation (4 vols., Loeb edn, 1920–1931). О критике Плутарха см.: F.H.Sandbach (ed.), Plutarch’s Moralia (17 vols., Loeb edn, London and Cambridge, 1927–2004), XI, 1–129 [On the malice of Herodotus]. Титул «Отец Истории» принадлежит Цицерону: J.L.Myres, Herodotus: Father of History (Oxford, 1933), 19. О Геродоте рекомендую почитать также: J.Burrow, A History of Histories: Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century (London, 2007), 11–28.